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"well they're all in bed," I say coming downstairs

I just put the twins and Hunter to bed and Corbyn's still over

"oh they went to sleep fast," Corbyn says

"yup they were super tired, it's been such a long day and they've had a bunch of candy."

"do they stay asleep all night"

"yup except for the baby of course. but other than that everyone does. now this kid over here doesn't even go to bed" I say pointing to Hayden

"mom I go to bed all the time I just stay up all night"

"and then complain about going to school cause you're too tired"

"hey! learning is tiring"


"well I'm going to go to bed now to prove a point so goodnight and Corbyn remember what I told you," he says glaring at Corbyn

I wonder what he told him

"goodnight now can I have a hug," I ask

"mhm... okay goodnight"

he goes upstairs and it's just me and Corbyn

"thank you for getting all those gifts for them. they loved all of them and have been asking for those things forever"

"aw of course. I love giving gifts to people especially kids"

"well thank you again. I've been feeling awful lately about not being able to get them anything so this helped. but I did say not to"

"I know you did but like I keep saying I wanted to and it makes me happy that everyone else is happy. The twins are happy because they got gifts and you're happy that they are happy."

"so do you want me to pay you back for the gifts? it might have to wait till next month when I get the money from my husband's death and my kid's adoption but I will still be able to"

"don't worry about it. you need to save that money for Christmas. do you have another job other than being a mom?"

"Nope I can't afford a babysitter so I'm not able to go out especially since my other kids are in school"

"oh well at least you get to spend time with them"

"that is true. anyways what did Hayden tell you?"

"oh he said that he can tell that we've gone out before and said if we ever got in a relationship to never hurt you because he would then have to hurt me because he loves you so much"

"aww, he's so cute. I'm surprised he can tell that"

"yeah, I was shocked. speaking of I'm looking forward to a second date so-"

"I mean this can kind of count. we can go to the kitchen and finish the cake so I don't have to worry about cleaning later on."

"That sounds quite nice"

"Okay but you have to ask me out first. say 'do you want to go on a date with me and eat cake'"

"well, Savannah do you want to go on a date with me where we eat cake!?"

"I'd love to. you can pick me up at... now o'clock"

"oh no I better get ready then!" he says and we both start laughing

"we're so stupid" I laugh and he nods

"well let's go on that date"

he grabs my hand and we walk over to my kitchen

I take out the cake and two forks and hand him one

"I hope it's good it's been in the refrigerator," I say

"It definitely will don't worry"

we start to eat the cake and it is still good

"so tell me more about your band. I know you guys have been on a few tours from what Gabbie told me about Jack, but that's all"

"oh well there are 5 of us and we've been together for a few years. we only have one album out but still a bunch of songs. um, there's nothing else about us. I'm not even from L.A."

"really? where are you from"

"I'm from Virginia and all of my family is there"

"oh wow. did you like Virginia?"

"yeah I did. have you ever been?"

"yup. we lived there for a few years because of the military"

"did you have any of your kids?"

"not when we moved there but once we did, we adopted them while I was also pregnant with the twins"

"wait so you adopted kids and grew them at the same time"

"yup pretty much"

"that's so cool. so when is everyone else's birthday?"

"Hunter turns 2 on the 25th, Rae turns 15 on December 2nd, Zach turns 17 on December 13th, and Hayden turns 18 on December 24th"

"oh wow they are all at the same time"

"I know. I think their parents had an anniversary or something in march and had them all in that month"

"that's weird. also, I realized me and Hunter have the same birthday"



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