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1 Month Later

"mom why hasn't Corbyn been over?" Hayden randomly asks

"you know what happened Hay"

"oh so you guys aren't talking anymore because of it"

"yeah he has his own girlfriend and friends and family he doesn't need ours"

it's been about a month since the "party" and Corbyn and I haven't spoken to each other in a very long while

I found out through my sister that before that party he fucked that girl and now, after they're together

it sucks that he did this to me but what did I expect. a young, hot, non-mom girl liked him and he chose her. what can I do?

it also sucks because he promised me I would be able to talk to his managers about a job so I could afford Christmas but now that I didn't get that, we had to use a fake Christmas tree and I had to use donations as gifts

all of them were born around Christmas too, so they barely even got anything for that which was even worse especially because Hayden turned 18

let's just say Christmas morning and their birthdays were very underwhelming for the kids and very sad for me

really ruined my favorite holiday

"is that also why you haven't been eating"

"I've been eating Hayden"

"No mom you haven't. I see your dish after dinner is done. you also haven't been sleeping. what's wrong"

"nothings wrong okay I'm fine."

"do you miss Corbyn"

"no Hayden I don't," I say looking down

"seriously mom you can tell me I am an adult you know"

"don't worry about me, okay I'm fine"

"no, I do have to worry about you. you're my mom and you haven't been eating or sleeping. that's not healthy and I don't like that. we can't lose another parent again"

"why cause then you guys wouldn't get anything"


"what that's all I'm used for. no one loves me for me only what I can give them or do for them. but then of course once I run out of things to give they go and find another person who can"

"Mom I love you for you. you are one of the most loving, wonderful, beautiful, and obviously giving people in the world. and that's why I want you to be okay and healthy. we need you, mommy, without you we'd be in trouble"

"I just want to find someone who can help me care for you guys" I sadly say putting my head in my hands and crying

Hayden hugs me and lets me cry a little bit more

"you don't need someone to care for us. you've been doing it flawlessly okay. I love you mommy please just stop crying"

"I'm sorry Hayden. I'm just a mess right now. I've been thinking about Dad and how much he loved me and I realize I'll never feel that again and it just makes me so sad. Corbyn reminded me so much of Dad and now that he's out of my life too, I feel lost"

"but you have us"

"I know I do and I love you guys but sometimes I need to feel a different kind of love. love from another human who loves being with me and loving me. someone who can kiss me and hug me to make me feel better, someone like Dad. but boys aren't like dad anymore"

"I could try and help set you up with one of my friend's dads. I know they all think you're beautiful"

"they do?"

"yeah everyone talks about you all the time"

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