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"so tell me more about your kids" Corbyn says as we eat our dinner

"so my first three Hayden, Zach, and Rae are adopted and they're 17,16, and 14. i also have 3 year old twins Ellianna and Jordan. Ellianna is the one you saw at the restaurant. and my youngest is 1 and his names Hunter. Zach, the second is gay and so far all of the other ones are straight"

"oh wow how did he tell you?"

"so before my husband died they were extremely close and after he died he told me that he needed to tell me something and that it was he was gay. turns out he told my ex before he died and he felt like he needed to tell me too. it was a really cute moment."

"how did your kids feel?"

"the younger ones don't really care since they're so young and the olders didn't care either they were just worried about how other people would act. do you support gay people?"

"100%. my two closet friends are gay and dating. everyone's the same so why should it matter."

"true so tell me more about you"

"well i'm in a band with four other people umm the only baby i really know is Lavender who you obviously know"

"yeah i'm pretty familiar with her after all she is my niece."

"true how's Gabbie with everything"

"she's good she gets sad sometimes about the whole situation but she's just glad she has Lavender"

"aw that's good"

"yeah! so earlier i was bringing my daughter on some field trip and she was listening to music in the car. so i asked her who she was listening to and she actually said your band"


"yeah i was trying so hard not to laugh she thought i was insane"

"it's the weekend why was she going to a field trip?"

"it was camping for her science class. she almost didn't even go"

"why not?"

"her ex boyfriend was going and she didn't want to deal with him. but i don't think she understands that he probably didn't care that she was going since they were together when they were 13"

"aw teenagers always think they're gonna end up with their boyfriends forever"

"that is so true. i had to tell her that he won't bother her and she just needs to focus on her friends."

"great advice. so are your kids alike in anyway?"

"not at all. Hayden goes to party's 24/7 while Zach is either at our or his boyfriends house. Rae is a mix though so it's good."

"that's good does anyone know about this"

"only Ellianna i was freaking out over what i was gonna wear and she helped me"

"well she's a great helper you look beautiful"

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