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We got home a little while ago and i'm making dinner while they all nap and i wait for the others to come home

as i'm making it, i get a call

i answer it not looking and say hi

"hey" i say

"hi it's Corbyn"

"oh hey how are you"

"i'm great anyways um i know i asked this yesterday but i wanted to know if tomorrow night you uh maybe wanted to go on a date if not i understand but-"

"yeah i'd love too."


"of course. i want to get to know you more and it doesn't hurt to leave my craziness for a little bit"

"awesome just let me know what times good for you. i'm sure you need to find a babysitter and things "

"oh yeah i didn't even think about that. but i'll definitely tell you when i can. i have to go make dinner but i'll text you later"

"okay well i'll talk to you later"

i hang up and Hayden and Zach walk through the door

"hey guys"

"hi mom"

"tomorrow can you guys babysit the babies i have a d- i'm going out with my friends"

"I was gonna go to Masons house" Zach says

"i wanted to go to a party"

"ugh okay i'll find someone"

"ask Rae"

"she has a night trip for school."

"just cancel on them"

"i really can't do that. but i'll just find someone....unless one of you guys can be nice and stay home for your mom who's loves you. but that's okay i'll pay a lot of money. sigh"

"that wasn't even a real sigh"

"well it was to be dramatic, anyways. i'll figure something out"

"if you really can't find someone Mason can come here instead"

"i was joking but if i can't can you please"

"yeah he loves helping me with them"


Rae comes in next and she seems sad

"hey Rae" i say

"ugh" she groans and walks away

"i'm going to go check on her someone stay here and watch the food"

i walk up to her room and she's laying in her bed face down

i sit on her bed and she looks over at me

"what do you want mom"

"you seem sad what's wrong"

"my stupid ex boyfriend is coming on the trip tomorrow"

"so you won't have to be near him."

"but stilllllll mooooom"

"hey calm down"

"why does he have to ruin my lifffffe"

"honey he's not ruining your life"

"yes he isssss"

"okay stop talking like that"

"can you just let me complain in peace please"

"well stop dragging your words" i pat her back and leave the room

"what's wrong with her?" hayden asks

"her ex is supposed to be on her school trip and she's all upset over it"

"well he is an asshole"

"don't say that word! plus hes only 14 and he was 13 when they dated"

"he's still a bad person"

"he's only 14 he can't be a bad person no ones a bad person"

"our parents are" Zach says


"not you our biological"

"okay well they don't count and we don't talk about them"

my first three are all biological siblings and are adopted

when i was 21 we adopted them while Hayden was 12, zach was 11, and Rae was 9

me and my husband really wanted kids but couldn't have them

maybe we were too young who knows but still we looked into adoption and they accepted us

we originally were only going to adopt Hayden but after we learned that the other two would have to go back to their biological parents unless we could adopt them we immediately did

their biological parents were the worst humans

they abused the kids physically and i don't even want to say what the father did to MY Rae

i knew Zach and Rae would be in trouble if they had to go back so there was no hesitation about what we had to do

it took a while for Rae to get comfortable around my husband but she eventually did

she and all of them were so heartbroken when he died because in their words "he saved them"

i'm so happy i adopted them and they're mine

the kids don't know this but every so often i get a text from their biological parents asking to meet up with them but i always say no

they're mine now and i feel that they were always meant to be mine

"well it's true"

"but we don't talk about them okay they aren't your parents they just had you but you guys are my babies not theirs okay. if you want to meet them you can but still you guys are mine now"

"trust me we don't want to meet them" Hayden says and Zach agrees

"okay well let's not talk about them anymore you guys need to do your homework"

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