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"Corbyn what are you doing here"

"I heard you haven't been sleeping or eating because of me. I need to apologize can I please come in"

"Who told you"


"let me guess it was Hayden"

"yeah so can I come in"

"fine," I say and let Corbyn in

we go to the couch and I sit as far away from him as I can

"I'm sorry about what happened the night of my birthday. a few days before Christina randomly showed up at my house and wanted to talk to me. we talked and I'm going, to be honest, we did do some things. but afterward, she wouldn't leave me alone even though I told her I didn't want her anymore. on my birthday she was being super annoying and I guess I said something to her to make her upset with me and that's probably why she said we're dating. but I swear Savannah I'm not dating her. I really like you and I wouldn't jeopardize that"

"then why did you 'do some things with her in the first place"

"look we were very drunk and she was all on top of me and we started kissing and then the kissing became more and it just happened. I thought it kind of was closing to our relationship but I guess she didn't"

"I don't know what to say Corbyn I don't know. I want to believe that you actually do like me. it's just if we ever became more than friends how am I supposed to know if another one of your exes will show up and act like Christina"

"well, first of all, Christina's my only ex. second, she's blocked on everything even from my friend's stuff so she won't be coming back. can we just start over please"

"with what"

"just us and our friendship. I miss hanging out with you and your kids. I also want to apologize for the timing of our falling out. I know it was right before the holidays and I know you didn't have the best Christmas and stuff like that"

"yeah, I really didn't have a good one at all. it sucked especially because it was the first Christmas without my husband and everyone was sad. I also couldn't get any of them any gifts which made them sad which made me feel terrible"

"I'm really sorry. I um have been putting things together for them"

"what do you mean?"

"like I got them all a few gifts"


"what! I had to make it up to you and them."

"see this is why I'm confused! you sleep in my house, go home fuck your ex, tell me I'm your date to your party, she tells me otherwise, you then apologize but tell me you did that with her, and now you're getting my kids gifts. do you like me Corbyn or what? cause I can't tell"

"I do like you. I like your family and you and everything about you. do you even like me?"

"of course I do. when Christina's not in the picture you're the best to me"

"and guess what she's not in the picture anymore. the only person I want to be with is you"

"prove it"


"I said prove it."

"like in what way-"

"oh my god just kiss me Corbyn!" I say impatiently

I sit on top of his lap and kiss him

"wait but your kids"

"they're all with their grandma" I whisper and he nods

we continue to kiss and I stand up with him

"Follow me," I say with a smirk and bring him over to my room

we lay down on my bed and I sit on top of him as we start to make out

"are you sure you want to do this?" he asks as I take off my shirt

"yes please"

"okay. you look beautiful by the way"

"thank you" I start to move down to kiss his neck instead and he lets me

"savannah I don't want to do anything you're not okay with"

"I know Corbyn and I'm fine with this. are you?"

"let me show you how fine I am with it"

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