Chapter 41 - The Last Chapter

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Ryan still hadn't spoken to me or made any sort of eye contact with me. We finished dinner and they were going home. Yes, kiss a girl and forget her existence. Amazing plan. I mentally roll my eyes and shake my head. I say goodnight to the Fauxes and go upstairs to sleep. Oddly Shane didn't seem to be in my room. He always sleeps here. I go downstairs searching for Shane and he's seated there in a very intense conversation with Nana. So I leave him be. He'll come upstairs when he feels like it. As I walk into my room, someone grabs me and puts their hand over my mouth. I try to scream but to no avail. I bend my knees and kick my attacker in the groin and run to get my tennis bat. I turn around and look at poor Ryan lying on the floor writhing in pain. Oops. I tell him I'll go get an ice pack and as I run out the door he stops me. "It's fine. It's not so bad. I'll live. I don't want anyone to know I'm here."

"Why are you here?" I whisper shout.

"Shut up, you're louder when you do that." He says. "I'm here to see you, you dumdum."

"Well clearly you wanted to avoid me so..." I trail off.

He rolls his eyes and push himself up off the floor. He come really close and looks intensely into my eyes. My knees start to feel weak, I almost fall when he puts his hand around my waist. "I know the effect I have on you. Don't worry I won't let you fall ever. Other than for me." He smiles coyly. I blush and cover my face with my hair. He smiles and shakes his head and pushes my hair behind my ear. "I want to see you. Don't deprive me off that."

I pull him into a hug because I couldn't take the intensity of his gaze and I breathe him in. I love his smell. It smelt like home already. We haven't been together all that long. I've never been one to be caged in but it didn't feel like that with him. Even with Harry there were moments when we were cuddling or hugging where I'd feel locked in and not able to get out. Not often just rarely but I always knew I had major commitment issues. But he was completely worth fighting every fiber of my being. With Ryan there was no effort. I slowly started dozing off.

I wake up the next morning and I'm on my bed and there was a note on the dresser. "I love you so much. I had to leave because I couldn't stand to just see you lie there and not do anything. But you're incredibly beautiful when you sleep. Like a resting angel. Mesmerizing and peaceful."

I had the biggest goofiest smile on my face as I went downstairs. They were all sitting for breakfast, they took one look at me and smiled a knowing smile. I felt so happy. I didn't know what the future held but I didn't really care cause right here, right now I felt incredibly happy. I had an amazing family, the best best friend a person could possibly ask for, amazing friends and an extraordinary boyfriend. I'm young but life was good. I didn't need anything more. I was completely content. Yes I wanted to see the world and experience a lot more but for as long as I've lived up to this particular point I'm content. No one knows what the future holds. I smile at everyone and join them for breakfast.

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