Chapter 26 - "His Light"

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Zano: "I'm tired now woman. You see what you're doing to me? You're turning me into a blabber mouth like you. Let's go and sleep."

Me: "I'm not a blabber mouth." I told him wiping my eyes. He grunted..."and I'm not sleepy, I just woke up like 10 minutes ago." I told him.

Zano: "Don't care. It's late and I'm beat. Let's go sleep woman." He commanded in that weird way of his. I just rolled my eyes. You had to know that dealing with the giant will cause your emotions to run everywhere. You'd be happy one minute and irritated the next. I didn't argue because there was no point. He switched off the lights and we went to the bedroom. He did the usual. He took off his clothes, and left his boxers on and he got into bed. I took my pajamas and escaped to the bathroom..."for how long will you do that for woman?" He asked when I came back from the bathroom. I blushed. I also didn't know. I was still shy around him, even though he has practically seen me naked. I just wasn't brave enough...or confident enough. I just shrugged. He grunted unhappily. I switched off the light and got into bed. As always he pulled me close to him. I snuggled into him..."I like everything about your body woman. Don't ever hide from me again." He whispered against my ear after a while..."okay?" He gave me a squeeze. I blinked back the tears threatening to come out.

Me: "Okay." I agreed shakily. He grunted..."Zano?" I called his name after a long while of silence. He gave me a squeeze..."you know that those women coming to the meet don't like me at all right?"

Zano: "They're just jealous of you woman." He informed me. What? Those women were jealous of me? I didn't think so.

Me: "I don't think that is the reason. There is something that people find unlikable about me. I just don't fit in Zano, even in high school I was an outcast." I confessed sadly.

Zano: "All those stupid girls in high school were probably jealous of you. You're smart, beautiful and a good person. All of those things can make people jealous since they want what you have. They try to bring you down because they don't want you to see your own worth and also because they're trying to cover up their own insecurities by attacking you." Oh my gosh! I never thought of it like that..."and the ugly women are just jealous because you have what they don't which is me, and you're also beautiful and young. They can't stand that."

Me: "You're so full of yourself. How do you know that they jealous because I'm with you?"

Zano: "Woman, I might not care about them, but I notice the looks some of them throw my way. I'm not blind." I huffed irritated by what he said. I don't know why I was irritated, but I was.

Me: "Well...they can look but they won't have you." I stated heatedly. He chuckled.

Zano: "My woman is jealous." He said amused. I wasn't jealous. Was I?

Me: "Whatever." I mumbled. He nipped my earlobe with his teeth.

Zano: "No need for jealousy. I'm're mine." He growled against my ear. My body tingled..."my dick is interested in only one pussy and it can't wait to fuck it...hard." Oh my gosh! My private parts tingled. I could feel the hammer pressed against my lower back..."let's sleep." He ordered gruffly. After a long while of trying to sleep, I finally did.

It was the day of the meet. It was mid day. I was sitting on the couch watching TV while eating some snacks. The giant had gone to buy a few things for tonight. I would've gone with him, but my lower abdomen had protested. I had taken some pills, so I was feeling a little better now. I was seriously not looking forward to tonight. It was going to be awkward as hell...I know. And the thing is, both the giant and I were the hosts, which was the worst thing ever since we both sucked at being social. It was a disaster in the making, but whether I liked it or not it was happening. My phone rang. It was Andy. I sighed. She has been calling nonstop today and I've been ignoring her calls. I didn't know what I would say to her and how will I answer the questions I knew she had, and the thing about Andy is that she's the same as my mother – she'll keep calling until I picked up. I exhaled and picked up.

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu