Chapter 185: The panic sets in

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I can't get my head around it that they were able to get into her phone. She has a pass-code that you have to put in to call anyone and I know that she wouldn't give it out." I said while I thought about the whole thing.

He paused before saying quietly, "Unless they're hurting her?" My breathing hitched for a moment as I too came to that realization. He went on in an even quieter tone, "It's supposed to be beyond freezing for a couple weeks and I know it would be too cold for even Y/N." I didn't say anything since different ways of finding her were running through my head. He then said loudly, "We have to find her!"

"I know!" I snapped before repeating in a near whisper, "I know."

"God, how could this happen?"

I then added quietly, "And for a second time?"

"Sho, just give up Bakugo and Todoroki...and..." he said frantically before struggling to think of another name.

"No, I'm not going to hand over any of my students, bad enough that they have Y/N. I don't see why they would want three of the top students; Y/N is more than the whole class combined." I mumbled.

After what felt like forever because of the slow traffic, we finally made it to the agency. We knew that Yagi and Midoriya already made it there cause Yagi texted me, asking where we were. Almost as soon as the car was in park, we were out of the car. We briskly walked into the agency and right away met up with the other two. Once we were all together, we then went to the chief's office. Zashi knocked on the door before we all walked in.

The chief was sitting at his desk, looking over reports before he looked up to us and smiled, "Good afternoon, All Might, UA student, Eraserhead, and Present Mic. What is it that I can help you with?"

Yagi started, "Sorry to drop in on such short notice, but we believe that Blank is in danger."

The chief's smile dropped, "What makes you say that?"

"We all got a phone call demanding for three students in the hero course in exchange for Blank's release."

He began to tuck away the reports that he was looking at as he said, "I know Blank is a very serious girl, but are you sure that she's not pulling a prank?"

"I'm more than one hundred percent positive that this is not a prank." I said, "She's never done one and if she all of a sudden did, she wouldn't choose to joke about a kidnapping."

The chief then remembered the one mission that she was pretty much put in charge of. "You're right, I guess I'm just trying to grasp at false hope for what I know about her." the chief said as he closed the desk drawer that he put the files into. He thought about it before saying, "Are you sure that she just isn't out on hero duty still? She was working the night shift."

"And should have clocked out many hours ago." Zashi quickly said.

I could tell that Midoriya went from being uncomfortable to worried and wanting to find her too. "Sir, I may know little of her background, but what I do know is that she can handle only so much; it's way more than the average person, but she still has a breaking point. She has protected me many times that if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here now. Now, it's my turn- our turn- to save her." Midoriya said.

Yagi put a hand on his shoulder as he said, "If it wan't for her, the four of us wouldn't be here either. She's saved so many people and she doesn't even know she's doing it."

The chief stood up from his chair as he said, "Let's start with tracing the call." then picked up the phone that was on his desk and dialed a phone number, then asking for technology personnel to go to his office. Once he hung up he asked, "Did you recognize the number?"

"It was from Blank's phone." I answered.

He thought about it before saying, "We might be able to pick up it's last location if we can't find right away where the call was made from." he then sat back down and turned to his computer before clicking on a few things and asking us, "What did the voice sound like? Was it the same person for all of you?"

"It was a male's voice." Zashi answered, which I then nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, that was the same for me." Yagi said.

"Me too." Midoriya added.

The chief began to type again as Yagi asked, "Isn't there an investigator who's supposed to be taking notes about the details?"

The chief finished typing before he said, "Yes, but Blank is a hero at my agency, so it's only right that I take down the details; not to mention that I was the one to ask her to be on patrol over night." The technology personnel then walked in and received order from the chief before he took down Y/N's phone number and leaving to go do his job. The chief then asked, "When was the last time that you four have talked to her?" then quickly added, "On the phone, I mean."

"The most recent text I sent was a couple minutes or so before we got the phone call." Zashi said.

I took it that we were going down the line, so I said, "Probably close to midnight."

Midoriya went next, "I think it was sometime past four yesterday?"

"I messaged her around five." Yagi said.

The chief typed what we said before saying with a sigh, "I'm afraid that this is all that I can do now until we get information back from the techs. Once we find out her last position or anywhere before that, we'll look at street cameras and building surveillance cameras, but that won't be until a couple hours. Is there any other information?" We all were quiet since there wasn't much that we could say since it was just a phone call. Before we left, he said to Zashi and I, "I'll be sure to contact you two as soon as something rises to the surface."

"Thank you, sir." Zashi said as he followed me out.

We all stopped at the front doors of the agency as I said to Yagi, "Could you make sure that Midoriya get's back to UA? I don't want to lose another student."

"Yeah, sure thing, I'm going back anyways to finish up some stuff, so it's no problem."

"Thanks." I said before turning to Midoriya, "Be sure to not tell anyone about this. If anyone asks about where Y/N is, say that you don't know. Also, don't post anything online; I know for a fact that she would want to keep it on the down low and away from the media. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir." he said.

"Another thing, don't try and get her back like you did Bakugo. It will only create more of a headache." I added.

He then repeated, "Yes, sir."

"Good, now see you in class on Monday." I said before Yagi and Midoriya went back to UA.

I let out a sigh as we got in the car. As we were going down the road, Hizashi said, "Man, she has been in such a good mood ever since winter started. She's been smiling more and laughing...I can only imagine how she's going to be like when we find her."

"I know, just as she's getting better, something just has to come along and fuck it all up. I just know it that she's going to revert to how she was." I said in a low tone as I looked out the window at the howling wind.

"Well, if we can help her before, we can help her again." he said trying to be positive.

"You do have a point." I paused, "I wish we could find her right now, but if we were to make haste, we could make a wrong move. So I guess all there is to do now is to play the waiting game."

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