Chapter 183: A caged polar bear

Start from the beginning

He too started to smile, "That's good to hear. I'm glad that you're starting to feel better."

"Yeah, I feel like I'm lighter now that my mood has lightened up a little."

"Yeah? Well, if you start to feel like you're in low spirits, I'm always here to help since you've helped me plenty." he offered.

"I will, thank you." I replied.

We then made it to the cafeteria a couple minutes later. Eri and Mirio were already at the table with Todoroki, Uraraka and Iida. Midoriya went to get his food while I took a seat at the table. Eri wanted me to sit next to her, so I did.

"Hi, Y/N; how was your winter break?" Uraraka asked.

I opened my bento as I answered, "It was really fun."

She sounded like she was interested to hear more, "What did you do?"

I took out my chopsticks as I listed, "Snowmobiling, skating...played in the snow like the five year old that I am."

Uraraka giggled at the last part while Iida repeated, "Snowmobiling?" which I then nodded my head. "Where did you go for that? Since so many like to do that, I can't imagine when you had to purchase the ticket."

"Oh, no, I teleported to the town I used to live in back in America and went around there. I didn't have to pay anything other than for the meal I ordered at the cafe there." I said as I decided what I wanted to start with for my lunch.

"Wait, so you were by yourself?" Iida asked.

Midoriya sat down next to Todoroki as he asked, "What are we talking about?"

Todoroki filled him in while I said, "Yeah."

"Isn't it a bit dangerous?" Iida asked.

I shook my head, "Not as long as you know what you're doing." Before anyone else could ask me questions, I asked everyone else at the table, "So, what did you guys do over winter break?"

For the rest of lunch, everyone took turns saying what they did over break. We even continued to talk about the subject while we were walking back to the classroom. The second half of the day was pretty much as boring as it was for the first half. I finished what work we were given and spent the rest of the time looking out the window at the outside where I wished I was. We also did combat training before the day was over, so at least that spiced up the end of the day a little and was like a warm up for me since I had hero duty after school.

Once school was over, I teleported my backpack to my room and went to the bathroom to change into my hero costume before starting my trek to the agency. I was going to teleport like I usually do, but I wanted to spend more time in the nice cold outdoors. I of course was stopped many times by people asking for pictures and autographs, but at that point I had grown used to it. When I made it to the agency, I clocked in and left, starting my rounds that I usually did when I had hero duty.

I then stationed myself at the top of a medium sized building and watched those who passed below me. As I sat there, I began to think I should become an underground hero like Aizawa once was. I know I'd have to give up the number one hero title and hide from the media, but that would be no problem, especially when you have a quirk that allows you to erase minds and become invisible. It would be better and easier on my end. I began to think that I would be able to keep those around me safe with my name hidden from the public and working around all of the spotlights. The more I thought about it, the more and more better it sounded.

While I was in the middle of coming up with that idea, my attention was grabbed by someone who fell to the ground holding their side while someone else ran away from that person's direction. I first went to the person who was on the ground. Once I was close enough, I was able to see that he had a little shiv knife was sticking out of his side that he was clutching to. I bent down as I asked, "How did this happen?"

Through his gritting teeth he said, "I don't know; I was minding my own business when someone ran into me and stuck this in me."

"Okay, sir, I'm going to teleport us to a hospital, is that alright?"

I nodded his head, "Yes, of course it is."

I then used a quirk to stand him up on his feet before I teleported us to the ER of the closest hospital. After the man was taken away by nurses, I teleported back to the crime scene and used a sensing quirk to see where the person from before ran off to. Almost instantly I found the criminal before I teleported to him and brought him to the agency which he was then put in a holding cell. After all of that and things started to settle down, I went back to the area I was first in but went to a different building to watch a different area. Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the shift.

When I went back to the agency to clock out, I was told that I have to do the night shift. I was on the fence about doing it, but once I was told that I would be getting paid more, I right away said yes to the offer. I wasn't told any specific district that I had to be in, so I stayed in the one I normally stayed in. As I walked down the street, I decided that I should update Aizawa so he wouldn't think that I was kidnapped or something like that.

Me: I'm not going to be coming back tonight since I have to do the night shift.

Aizawa: Alright, just be careful.

I then put my phone back into my pocket as I looked around for a place to station myself at. After many hours of nothing happening and repositioning myself of different buildings, I got bored and decided to walk around. As I walked around, I was trying to clean up stuff on my phone so I'd have more storage since it was a slow night. Before I put my phone back into my pocket, I glanced to the time to see that it was almost half past three in the morning. I saw that I had a text from Aizawa, but I didn't reply since I knew that he was asleep by now.

'Yamada should have finished up his radio broadcast by now.'

Just as I thought of that, I heard a woman screaming and yelling for help over and over again. I turned around and ran in the direction that the yelling was coming from. Once I made it to a dimly lit area, I stopped running and looked around since the woman wasn't making any more noise. Just as I was going to jump up and go to the top of a building to get a better view, something went through my hood and hit me in the right side of my neck. I shot my hand up to that side of my neck to rub it and relieve some of the stinging that I felt. Before I could take a step away, a hand came from behind me and covered my mouth. The person pulled me into the alleyway that was behind me and injected something into the left side of my neck. I then blacked out before panic or adrenaline was able to set in.

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