Episode 50 Let's build a sandcastle in the sand (Part 2)

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One of the things that made Can fall in love with Sanem was the child-like qualities in her. Even now, the new Can was falling for these all over again.  When Can took Sanem to the island, one of the very first things she wanted to do on the beach was to build a sandcastle. She told him that it reminded her of when she was just a little girl and building sandcastles brought her so much joy. Can obviously found this endearing and offered to help her make it.

Building sandcastles in the sand can indeed bring so much joy especially for a child. Something about the pure creation of it combined with the pleasure of sticking your hands into the ground make it an exhilarating experience...making something out of nothing. It's a beautiful accomplishment.  But the truth of the matter is that it will be destroyed. One way or another, the ocean will come and pull it all down. It's devastating to see this when you're just a child but as you grow older you begin to accept it and enjoy the sandcastle in the moment, for what it is while it's still standing.  And such is the lesson about life and love.

For those who cling too tightly to their old ways, realizing that sometimes life doesn't go the way that we plan will be devastating. You watch your sandcastle get torn down, but you're so caught up in the destruction that you can't see anything else. You want that old sandcastle back...you want your old life back and the old ways of interacting. And each time you build it back, the ocean comes again and knocks it down. It's one of those amazingly humbling experiences when you come to terms with the perils of life. Despite how hard we try to go back in time, we cannot. We are already committed to the path...there's no turning back.

Can and Sanem's fairytale love story can also be compared to a sandcastle. Just like the fairytales they shared in this story, sandcastles can easily end up getting destroyed as well. Every time their Love was built up, just like the sandcastle it would get washed away by the waves. Perhaps their fairytale, like the sandcastle was just not strong enough to withstand the waves with just their romantic experiences alone. Real Love is not made up of fairytales.  Fairytales only creates an illusion that love just happens to us, without fail or effort. Ask yourself, does true love really come from a stranger's kiss in the dark in the balcony of an auditorium? No. But real love does come from accepting and learning from our mistakes and moving on from them which is how Can and Sanem were able to reconcile and build up their love again and again. Now with Can's amnesia, they are faced with yet another challenge...and have come to a point where they need to accept what life has thrown at them. Sure, they can still hope that Can gets his memory back but, even if those memories are lost forever they must accept their love for what it is and move forward... start creating new memories.  The beautiful Great Love they have created may have suffered a great blow but it's not the end...  they must rejoice in the fact that it is still very much alive in their hearts and needs to be cared for more than ever. They cannot just turn their backs on it, not now, not ever. Can and Sanem need to put their pride aside for the sake of their Love and keep working together to rebuild that sandcastle after every argument, after every fight, after every mistake because it's worth the fight... and that is what True Love is really all about.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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