Episode 19 #AlwaysInOurHearts: Becoming "Friends" once again

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Although Can and Sanem had set the boundaries for their friendship, the overnight-stay turned out to be more tender and endearing than anticipated. As they say, all's fair in love and war so let this game of temptation and test of will power begin!

Can and Sanem both did a good job of keeping their hands to themselves. However it was obvious that this meaning of friendship was up for misinterpretation from the start. Can may not have been able to bring himself to kiss Sanem in the elevator but his subtle gestures showed that these boundaries were going to be easily crossed. Starting only a few moments after telling her he wanted to be just friends he found himself having a hard time keeping his eyes off of her. Even in the parking garage, Can was going to test these boundaries further as he matter-of-factly insists that she stay over at his place that night. Without too much persistence Sanem gave in. Once they got to his place instead of going right to bed as it was very late, he suggested they order something to eat...why? to prolong being together of course. Again boundaries are tested when she lets him convince her without too much persistence that she should stay in the guest room (which is close to Can's room) and not on the living room couch (where friends normally crash). Letting her wear his t-shirt, shorts and favourite hoodie showed he wanted to be next to her during the night...even if he couldn't be 😉
When Sanem comes looking for Can to ask him for the much needed phone charger, he's in the middle of wrapping a towel around himself and it would seem that he doesn't look at all concerned that she's in his bedroom...in fact I think he was actually quite pleased she was there. This was evident from his attempt at keeping a straight face to hide his grin...while he stood there...half naked before her...his chest pulsating, and still wet from the shower...he enjoyed making her feel nervous and perhaps a little hot and bothered. He's been in this situation before with Sanem and didn't have a problem with it as he was not showing any sign of disapproval. He made HER fetch the charger instead of getting it himself to prolong her visit which gave her the chance to steal a glance or two of his god-like physique. He also continued to enjoy her nervousness as he watched her step back into the hallway and gradually made her way back to the guest room..it was obvious that this had quite an effect on Sanem as we see her guilty conscience scolding her for looking at him with lust ("Baktin Baktin"😂😂) They probably both needed cold showers after that encounter...as we all certainly did!

Later that night, we find Can wandering in the hallway. Did he have super hearing abilities and could hear Sanem's whimpers behind her closed door OR...was he having a hard time falling asleep and just thought to go for a walk past the bedroom door where Sanem was sleeping... it's not clear but I would like to think the second possibility is what really happened as I'm sure those doors were pretty soundproof. And if this was the case, I think we can guess why he couldn't fall asleep. But only when he got closer to her door and then inside the bedroom did he come to realize she was having a nightmare...and then instinctively went to her to give her his love and compassion, comforting her with his soft voice and his tenderness, like how a father would sooth his frightened child. After giving her the beautiful amulet and telling her about the heart-warming story behind it (which basically confirmed that he wanted to be more than just friends with her....uh, "help you reconnect with your loved one" uh, hello??) he stayed with her willingly at her request. He must have been watching her fall asleep which I'm sure reminded him of all the other times he watched her sleep...in his hut, in the woods, on the hammock...and consciously decided that he was going to sleep next to her for the rest of the night as this was evident from him leaving his necklace on the bedside table.

When he wakes up and doesn't find Sanem in the bed, he's disappointed, not because she left without saying good bye but because he missed the opportunity to enjoy her sweetness in the morning...nudge, nudge, wink, wink. He gradually made his way out of the bedroom but once he entered the hallway, he instantly sensed her presence... His hunger for her lured him towards the kitchen like a lion to its prey. And when he found her, he snuck up on her and playfully bit her arm, admitting to her that he was so hungry. Little did she know he wasn't referring to the eggs she was frying.

Having breakfast together meant so much more to them both than the actual food that was being prepared and eaten. Cooking is an intimate activity. For Sanem it was her chance to get close to Can and show him her love and gratitude like she sees her mom cook for her father (even though she hasn't quite mastered it yet). For Can eating her food was to show her his love and appreciation of her efforts. The food is a representation of their Love at this point...it has the right ingredients but with the right amount of time and the right temperature they could create a masterpiece.
So although they're back at being "friends" for now it's obvious that their chemistry will keep sizzling and eventually they will lose their will power and give in to temptation because their love for one another is absolutely undeniable. ❤️

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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