Episode 10/11, Scene: "Our moment by the sea", Sanem's POV

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As Sanem walked along the beach barefoot, she felt the soft warm sand slip up over her feet and tickle in between her toes. There was a gentle, cool breeze in the air that felt refreshing on her warm cheeks and made her hair blow wild in the wind. She could hear the birds singing quietly in the sky. The last rays of the late afternoon sun were glistening over the surface of the sea. The waves were crawling gently to the shore...going out and in, out and in, out and in. It was mesmerizing, how simple it looked, yet it seemed to hold every one of her thoughts, her dreams, her secrets.
It had been a long day and Sanem was tired. Not only was she tired from all the commotion of the campaign shoot, but tired from the commotion that was happening inside of her. She had a lot on her mind. Can was giving off those signals again and she was feeling very confused. There was a brutal war raging within her between her mind and her heart and it was exhausting. Her mind telling her that she couldn't be with Can because she didn't deserve him, but her heart would not stop the fight. She could feel the pangs of her heart every time he looked at her...spoke to her...touched her. She thought back earlier in the day to when Can revealed to her that he hadn't spent the night with Polen at his hut and that there was no chance he and Polen would ever get back together, and it made her so happy and relieved. But, even knowing that, she thought that there was certainly no chance for her to be with him. He was too rich, too handsome, too famous, too successful for her. On top of that, her lies and betrayal lay heavy on her like a huge boulder that would not allow her to move. She needed to keep all of her feelings for him bottled up inside, and somehow kept hidden from him. But even though she tried, her eyes would tell a different story... And so, after his admission that day she forgot herself for just a moment, and let him gaze into her eyes for him to see what truly was in her heart...that she wanted him, more than anything. When he came looking for her in the forest after the photo shoot, it was obvious he wanted to be with her too. But she had to at least try to push him away, despite her great temptation. She knew that in order to be with him, to truly be with him, she would have to tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... Something that she was too scared to do. Because if he did know the truth he would no longer want her in his life, and that would absolutely destroy her. She needed to have him in her life, even just as friends, at the very least. And so she would just have to continue being strong and let her mind take control over her heart. And she would just have to get used to being alone.

She looked at the flowers in her hand that she had just picked before coming to the beach and smelled their beautiful scent. She thought, "A flower will release its magical scent, which it keeps inside only if it's picked in the early hours of the morning. Maybe there is a right time for everything. Maybe until that day I'll learn how to be happy with my loneliness. I need to grow like a flower does."

The sea looked so inviting. Perhaps it would ease her pain and help her find peace. She stopped and lay down the flowers on the sand, along with her purse and shoes. She then turned to the beautiful sea and started to wade herself into it. It was still warm from the afternoon sun and felt comforting like a warm bath. As she waded deeper into the water, she remembered the fantasy she had of Can the day they were in Agva. In her fantasy, she was wading into the sea, just as she was doing at that moment, and he had surprised her by joining her in the water. She was very attracted to him, not only physically but to his very being, his soul. He was everything she wanted in a man, not just strong and handsome but kind and gentle hearted. She dove into the water. When she came up for air she pushed the water from her face. But when she opened her eyes, she couldn't believe what she saw...she thought her mind was playing tricks on her. For there...right before her...stood the very man of her dreams... Can Divit! She thought for a second she was still dreaming...He approached her smiling. She shook her head and wagged her finger in front of the figure's face thinking he was only a figment of her imagination, "No! No! You're not real!" She said aloud, but when he went to playfully bite her finger she quickly realized..he was not a dream but in fact very much alive!! Reality especially struck her when she pushed him away and felt his warm, hard, wet chest. "Oh my God! You are real!" She shrieked and for a split second she wanted to jump for joy that her dream had actually come true. Instead she quickly turned around and bolted towards the shore. She couldn't believe what was happening and also a little freaked out. She was frightened but at the same time excited that Can was making his move and revealing the feelings she believed to be true. This was it! But she didn't know what to do...except to run. She knew she would lose control of herself. The temptation was now far too great.
Can yelled out to her in frustration. "In the air, on the ground you're always running away from me. Even in the water, you're running from me!"
"Don't come after me Can bey! Please don't come!" She cried out. As if this taunted him even more, he then started to chase after her and caught her by the arm as they reached the shore together. In one swift move he quickly grabbed her by the waist, twirled her around to face him, and pulled her up close against his chest. Some strands of her hair whipped across her face. His fingers gently glided through her hair to move the strands back into place. He looked at her in a way that no man had ever looked at her before, and said in a tender voice, "I'm as real as you...You're not mad at me are you?"
More pangs. She was surprised at his forwardness but felt natural in his close embrace. He was still her boss and she didn't know how to react to this new behaviour. It felt like she was still somewhat in a dream.
She looked up at him, not fully believing in what was happening to her and not sure what to say next... She then found herself asking, in the most polite way possible,"Can bey, what are you doing?"
He hesitated for a moment as he tried to catch his breath and then casually responded, "To be honest, I'm not sure what we're doing". His beautiful brown eyes sparkled, their light giving off a spark of passion and desire. A small but teasing smile crept upon his face allowing for the edge of his mouth to curl up and reveal one of his adorable dimples that made her melt...he knew exactly what he was doing. Despite the awkwardness, Sanem could feel the butterflies in her stomach tingling. She savoured the closeness of his strong body, as it pushed up against hers and tried desperately not to show her excitement. But although her body didn't put up much of a fight, her mind was still determined to resist him. She was lost for words for a moment but finally asked him timidly, still trying desperately to put up a front, "I said to you before that I wanted to be alone, why did you come here?" Instead of answering her question, he gazed longingly at her face, not moving the arms he had wrapped around her waist. He then asked her sweetly "Why do you want to be alone?" It was obvious that he wasn't going to back down this time. He was exhilarated from the tension between them.
"To think things through a little...I mean, to understand" she admitted.
While pondering a response, Can continued to gaze at her adoringly from her eyes...to her lips...and then back to her eyes again and after a few moments he suggested hesitantly, "What do you say if, rather than you be alone by yourself, that we be alone together?" He smiled at her warmly and in an attempt to lighten her mood and make her smile, he rubbed his nose affectionately against hers and then asked, "Would you like to be alone with me?" Those words were like the key that unlocked her heart. He couldn't have known how much those words would mean to her ... that she wasn't the only one feeling alone... that he too, a famous, worldly and experienced gentleman had also felt alone, and chose her to be with him...and perhaps by being together they could help each other overcome their loneliness. And the endearing gesture he made when he affectionately rubbed his nose against the tip of hers, was an invitation to steal just a few vulnerable moments together, to finally let go and give in to their addiction, the burning love and desire for one another... with nothing left standing in their way and with no interruption.

And that was all it took. He won. She couldn't resist him any longer. She had fallen for his charm, just as much as everything else about him. She felt her heart beat faster than it had ever done before and wild sensations she had never experienced before ran up and down her entire body. And with that, she let go of all her inhibitions and let him take control of her heart, for at least a little while. She relaxed, closed her eyes and felt his forehead rest onto hers. He gently squeezed her waist and tightened his arms around her to bring her even closer to him. Like two lovebirds he continued to nuzzle her nose with his, slowly and seductively, tempting her to kiss his lips. The intimacy they shared felt exhilarating, and yet somehow familiar. She savoured every moment and took him all in...his beauty, his touch, his breath, his scent, his desire...were flooding her senses now. The world fell away and she could no longer think straight. Maybe her magical scent wasn't ready to be released or maybe her right time was now...she didn't care, she was in sheer bliss. She was home.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

Love Birds (Erkenci Kus) - Not just your average love story ❤️Canem Forever ❤️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя