Episode 24 You are always there

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To tell, or not to tell...that is the question. Sanem was faced with a real dilemma over whether to tell everyone about her and Can so early on in their relationship. Although she was over the moon about finally being a couple with Can she was thinking about how complicated everyone around her would make it. Although Can was eager to let everyone know, even right after they kissed at the party, Sanem was still unsure. And so, like a gentleman he respected her wishes and would wait until she was ready because she was worth waiting for. He told her "Like the tea, I'll drink it slowly, sip by sip...it's like you, hot, soft, with a beautiful scent". But from the moment they became a couple, it got harder for them to keep it private. First she had to deal with the town gossip about her being discovered with Can the night after getting dropped off from the party, and then again the next night when she was supposedly with Ayhan. Then she had to endure further gossip brought on by the evil villain, Aylin after being discovered canoodling with Can in the park. Sanem was so afraid of people finding out the truth that the only way she could avoid being discovered was to deny the rumours and tell yet another lie. Understandably she's in a tight position. Not only will such a revelation hurt her family's reputation as this is not appropriate behaviour for a young girl in their neighbourhood, but also she's afraid her mother will push Can into revealing his intentions and forcing a commitment which he might not be ready for. She knows how important his freedom is to him and not so sure that he wants to give it up. So she fears she may suffocate him and then lose him. She also doesn't want everyone at work to know, because they would all assume that the only reason she was promoted was because she was getting special treatment, being the boss's girlfriend and all. By keeping her relationship a secret, she buys herself some time...time for Can to become more committed to her as well as time for her colleagues to see that she was worthy of her promotion.

Yet on the other hand, if she doesn't tell everyone soon and doesn't announce that he's hers then any one, including Jada or Derin, can continue to pursue Can, as he's not considered 'off the market'. This poses a greater threat to her and she worries about this even more than her other reasons as she is falling deeper in love with Can and doesn't want to lose him. And he doesn't make it any easier on her...Can is becoming even more irresistible and is very seductive with her...and is dying to show his affections. When the team met at Can's for a work session the next day, Sanem and Can continuously sneak away to find a couple moments alone together to hug, kiss, tease, nuzzle with each other. When she asked him about how he ended up in the gossip column with Jada he reassures her and tells her, in his very sultry and convincing ways, that she is the only one that he thinks about. As she tries to compose herself she tells him that she will go back to work and concentrate on their project. But instead, the only thing she can focus on is playing a romantic scavenger hunt for two in which they each must write a love poem and then hide it in the pages of a random book on a shelf in the study for the other to find... although I don't think those books they chose were particularly random, as a nature magazine and Jane Austin novel are very appropriate for our love birds. Sanem knows her man very well as Can is intrigued and has no rejection to this game even though there's all this work to get done. He plays right along and they continue to sneak away to play this love game amidst all their co-workers. They are both totally and utterly in love. And so, as you can imagine, Sanem is not very pleased when Jada shows up at Can's house during the work session and starts flirting with her man. She finally starts to see things clearly and eventually decides its time to tell...and to choose her own fate. Her mother is of course her first hurdle...although it doesn't come as too much of a surprise to her (did you see the look on her face when they were trying to deny they were lovers??) But as they say, the truth shall set you free. So, although Sanem had to risk losing face with her parents, the neighbourhood and her peers at the agency, she is freed from the all the lies that were mounting on her conscience. And when she finally opens up to Can about all of her fears and concerns, Can reveals something to her, to show her his absolute love and commitment to her...a surprising truth of his own...one that would ease her mind and make her love him even more...that he would marry her and that everything would be alright.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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