Episode 27 Do you want to Marry Me? A proposal made for fairytales

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It was a proposal like no other. One that could have come straight out of a fairytale. And yet, I feel that we were a little jipped in this long awaited event. We were so concerned over Sanem's guilty conscience that we didn't really get to fully take in Can's beautiful gesture. Having said that, for this episode analysis, I'd like to just focus on the Proposal and give it the respect it really deserved and appreciate it for what it truly was...Romantic (with a capital R).

But I first have to ask you this: Didn't Can's proposal to Sanem just make you want to jump into his arms, hug and kiss him, and shout out loud "Yes! I'll marry you!" It had all the right ingredients to be the perfect proposal... It had everything...it was meaningful, thoughtful, personal and a beautiful surprise. And if you think about it, it didn't really take long for him to come to this decision. Despite all that happened, in just a few months Can knew what he wanted and once he decided, he didn't want to wait any longer. And this pressure was not coming from her family nor any long-held tradition. Can was deep in love and he just really really wanted to be with her...in every sense of the word.😉

Can was very particular in selecting the right elements for his proposal and it was obvious that he used his artistic talents and creativity to woo Sanem as it encompassed everything that he loved about her. He decorated his hut beautifully with a romantic canopy lounge and a table set for two, flanked by dream catchers and bouquets of flowers. It was these added elements that made this romantic setting even more special. The dream catchers certainly looked beautiful and provided a romantic ambiance but they also represented a big part of their story...dreams. Not only did Can and Sanem both appear in each other's dreams on numerous occasions, they both were each other's dreams. It's also interesting to note that the dream catcher, in native Indian traditions were used as lucky charms to protect sleeping people from bad dreams and nightmares and allow good dreams to pass through and float down the hanging beads and feathers. The bad dreams, were caught in the web and the first rays of the morning sun would make them disappear. Perhaps this is another reason why Can hung them, just as in the native Indian tradition, as a lucky charm to allow for their happy dreams to continue while protecting them from any bad dreams and evil spirits from ruining their happiness as he certainly felt the evil was trying to destroy their happiness. Nevertheless they were a beautiful touch to an already beautiful setting.

Another beautiful element that Can included in his proposal were the bouquets of flowers scattered throughout the lawn. Besides an expression of his love for her, the flowers also represented what had brought them together in the first place...her beautiful scent. When Sanem could not resist taking a rose from one of the bouquets to enjoy its smell, Can also could not resist wrapping his arms around her, breathing in the scent from her neck and telling her that it was far more alluring to him than any flower.
At this moment, as a loving gesture, he brought the inside of her left hand up to his lips and kissed her palm so tenderly and reverently. This kiss was more meaningful than any other type of kiss because the palm is a very sensitive and vulnerable area and kissing her there was like asking her to take his heart into her hand, and entrusting her to take good care of it. He then took her same hand and told her yet another story to add to the EK repertoire. This time it was about the origins of the custom of wearing a wedding ring, in which the ancient Egyptians believed that the ring finger of the left hand enclosed a special vein that was connected directly to the heart. And perhaps even more special than the story was the way he showed her by tracing an imaginary line with his finger, slowly and tenderly, from the base of her ring finger all the way up her arm to her shoulder and then down to her heart. And then, as if to prepare her for what was to come, he said to her that a ring worn on this finger would make her feel the beat of her loved one's heart in hers. It was the perfect lead up to introduce his most special gift to her...an expression of his love and commitment to her...la pièce de résistance...the engagement ring. And not just any ring but a special one he made especially for her with his own two hands ...from the very moonstone that he had once used for his protection. It had symbolized his bright side, the side that was only visible by those who truly loved him. And so, when this stone had broke, he interpreted it as fate as he now considered Sanem herself to be the living embodiment of his bright side. And it would only be fitting to give her the stone as it would now take on a whole new meaning... his undying love for her. This showed a shift in his outlook on life in that Sanem was now his bright side, and she would now be the one to make him feel safe, protected and loved. All of this was being presented while the beautiful love song "Ay tenli Kadin" (The woman with skin as fair as the moon) by Ufek Beydemir was fittingly playing in the background.

"Somewhere deep inside of you, I found my roots, which are tightly entwined and tangled with yours
To see you, to be together with you
Can be so wonderful but,
To Dream of you is entirely something else...

Your fair skin is like the colour of the moon
The color of your hair is as dark as night,
Reasons why I cherish the night...

When your heart is with me
You take me away
Take me, as I am lost without you."

And last but certainly not least, the most beautiful element of all, was the proposal itself. Especially endearing was how Can opened up himself to her and showed his vulnerable side...he was just so open and honest...his words alone made this proposal a work of art. In his interview with the Sports magazine he had told them at the time that it would take a special girl to make him want to change his mind about marriage. Even though he told them this, he already knew who this special girl was. He just wasn't ready to say it out loud. In his proposal he said to her that ever since he met her he "felt like a completely different person but confident as ever....terribly nervous but at the same time brave as ever"...in other words she made him feel more of a man and that he knew in his heart that she was the one for him. Ever since he met her he felt his eyes, his hands, the beat of his heart, in other words he felt more alive than ever before and that he now knows what love is and how much more happier he is with her in his life.
His words were like poetry, a love song meant only for his Sanem....coming directly from his heart and soul to tell her that he never wanted to be apart...for his eyes to never separate from her eyes, nor his breath to ever separate from her breath...
I'm not sure about Sanem, but shivers were running up and down my spine when he said those words to her!

How will Sanem respond to this beautiful proposal, we'll have to wait and see. But if it were up to me...I'd say..."YES! YES! YES!" And I'm sure you would too! 🥰🥰

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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