Episode 46 Scene: Dance with the Girl Next-door

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Can admired Sanem from across the table and watched her drink the last sips of her cherry cocktail. He could still taste the sweetness of the drink on his tongue when he had taken a sip from it a few minutes earlier. The drink did nothing to quench the type of thirst he had though...he was longing for Sanem.

When Layla got on stage to perform her beautiful song, Can could see how it was having an effect on Sanem and made her very emotional. And it wasn't only because she was proud for her sister. It was certainly the meaning behind the lyrics that got to her as well.

"Do not touch my wounded soul, I broke up with an incredibly beautiful man, he used to be a gardener in my house, a friend. He broke my heart to pieces, to pieces..."

Can knew that those lyrics told another story. That Sanem had been the flower and he was her gardener. She had needed him to nurture her and tend to her...she had needed his adoration and attention in order to flourish. Without him she was drying out and dying. He had let her down.

But as far as he was concerned, that was the old Can. And despite the guilty feelings that the lyrics were bringing about, Can couldn't take his eyes off of Sanem. He didn't want to miss anything about her. She was noticeably tipsy and was trying to suppress her emotions. But even though it was awkward she still managed to amuse him. As he gazed at her, he longed to be her gardener again to care for and protect her because she was the only flower he ever wanted.

After Layla sang, the four of them went to the bar to have a celebratory drink to congratulate Layla on her amazing performance. Just then, a familiar song filled the room. Emre grabbed Layla's hand and led her to the dance floor to dance, however this song didn't actually belong to them. It was Can and Sanem's song. The song that Can had played when he asked Sanem to marry him the first time. The song that held so much meaning to the both of them. Sanem had always been his "Ay tenli Kadin"....her skin as fair as the bright side of the moon...the bright side that lit up his darkness; the side that filled his emptiness and completed him. She had become the embodiment of his white moonstone that he had always carried with him, but destined to be given to her...and now laid next to her heart. How was it then, at this very moment, that this special song of theirs started to play, almost begging them to come together. It must have been fate.

The old love song set emotions on fire, emotions so deep from their past that taught them to appreciate the present moment and to savour each touch and human sensation of a long slow dance that needed to happen...

Can and Sanem watched their siblings slow dance from the bar. Can then looked to Sanem and wondered how he was going to build enough courage to ask her to dance. She looked gorgeous that night in that red off the shoulder dress. He longed to touch her, hold her, whisk her away to the dance floor and sway in cinque to the rhythm with her in his arms just to feel her body next to his ...it had been far too long.

"Of course it's nice to see people with 'partners' on the dance floor" Sanem said out loud, her words slightly slurring from the effects of the alcohol. Can noticed the air of confidence she portrayed in the way she spoke and the way she leaned up against the counter. It was a bit uncharacteristic of her, but he liked it just the same.

"Did you drink a bit too fast?", Can asked her teasingly. He struggled to keep a straight face as he expected the alcohol to eventually work its magic, just as it did in the past... to loosen her tongue and say exactly what was in her heart... "A drunk mind speaks a sober heart" he had once told her. He was curious as to what she would reveal this time.

"Too fast? Fast is my nickname. I've changed a lot." Sanem said with assurance, "I'm now very fast. I live in the fast lane."

Can chuckled to himself and thought how adorable she was when she was tipsy. Then, to his delight, her heart finally spoke. She turned to him and extended out her hand.

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