Chapter 24 - "The First Taste"

Start from the beginning

Me: "Please..." Don't ask me what I was begging for because I also didn't know. But I wanted something. He chuckled lightly against my neck.

Zano: "Tell me what you want."

Me: "I-I...don't know...just..." I moaned in frustration. He chuckled again stopping what his was doing. Why the hell did he stop?! His eyes were filled with amusement.

Zano: "My woman wants my dick." I blinked. My eyes widened and I blushed horrified. Did I?

Me: "I do not!" I denied. Then he gave me the most precious gift. He laughed. He was full on laughing people! And in that moment I forgot all about my embarrassment and became captured mesmerized but what I was witnessing in front of me. He was beautiful! Oh my gosh! Tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't help it people. He stopped laughing.

Zano: "Why are you crying now woman."

Me: "You're beautiful." He grunted. He really was. Even though he wasn't laughing any more, his face looked relaxed. He looked boyish! My giant..."thank you." I said brushing his cheek. He cleared his throat and his face went back to being rigid. But I didn't care. He had let me see the real him. The 'him' that was deep down inside the giant but because of the grief, guilt and hatred the darkness had overpowered him.

Zano: "Stop being weird." He said awkwardly.

Me: "I'm not-." He kissed me and I forgot all about what I was going to say. My body came alive again. This man is dangerous guys.

Zano: "Is my woman's pussy wet?" He asked roughly after a while against my lips. Oh my gosh! Yes! My private bits contracted. I was mortified a little..."should I found out for myself?" I couldn't answer him even if I wanted to. I was far gone in pleasure land. I wanted to reach my release badly. He pushed my panties aside, and his finger brushed against my clit. My body jumped a little in shock. I was sensitive. I bit my lip had to stop the cry of pleasure from coming out. It was too much. He growled and groaned deeply in satisfaction..."fuck! You're soaking wet woman." He pinched my clit with his fingers, I gasped loudly..."I need to taste you" He growled urgently. His eyes looked wild...wild with heat and arousal. He suddenly lifted me in his arms, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. I cried out in pain, my lower abdomen protesting at the sudden movement..."sorry baby." He apologized kissing my nose gently. The action and the fact that he called me 'baby' gave me a momentary shock. He carried me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed gently with my butt on the edge of the bed. He kneeled on the floor in front of me and opened my thighs wide. Oh my gosh! He wasn't going to do what I thought he was right? Is this what he meant when he said he wanted to taste me? I tried closing my thighs but he stopped me by smacking my left thigh hard..."keep these thighs open woman." He ordered in a growl. I was about to protest when he ripped my panties apart. I gasped in shock. He lifted my butt up in the air, and then he feasted on me. And when I say he feasted on me...I really mean it. He was my pussy was his last meal. The giant's tongue was everything people. How could a human being be this talented? The pleasure that was attacking my body was out of this world. I had no control of my body whatsoever. I was being controlled by the pleasure. I could fill a wave was a big wave. My stomach was contracting in both pain and toes were curling..."don't cum until I say so woman." He ordered against my pussy. Was he crazy?!

Me: "I can't wait...too close." I cried.

Zano: "Don't cum or I'll stop." Oh my gosh! What a bastard! And I knew he was being serious. I tried holding the wave back but it was so hard. Holding it in caused my body to shake in pain and pleasure. It felt like I was burning. It was such an intense feeling.

Me: "Zano." I cried in frustration. My body was all tensed up preparing for the big wave that was coming. He inserted his finger inside me while still feasting. It was too much people. Could someone die from too much pleasure? I'm asking because this is what I felt was going to happen. Tears were even coming out of my eyes. He inserted a second a finger and bit on my clit hard.

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