Chapter 23 - "I Want To Leave Him"

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Zano: "What?" He asked frowning in confusion. I rolled my eyes.

Me: "Zanoxolo I know you sell drugs. That is the merchandise that Noel wanted from-."

Zano: "Woman, I'm not a drug lord or whatever you think I am. I don't touch any form of drugs, and I certainly don't sell drugs to anyone." I could see he was telling the truth. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I was now stumped. If he wasn't a drug lord, then what was he? What was the merchandise that Noel had wanted so badly that he would even kidnap me for?

Me: "Then what are you? What was the merchandise that Noel wanted?" I asked him finally.

Zano: "I can't tell you that." I huffed loudly pissed.

Me: "You see? You don't tell me anything! And that right there, is why I can't be with you anymore Zanoxolo. You're so secretive! Look what happened to me yesterday Zanoxolo! I deserve to know what the freakin merchandise you sell that had me enduring so much trauma and pain." I demanded angrily. He didn't answer me. He just stared at me. I could see he was conflicted. He wanted to tell me but something was preventing him. I shook my head crying. It hurt so much. I wanted him to be open with me. At least he wasn't selling drug which was a relief in itself, but I still couldn't be with him if he wouldn't even tell me what he was into - what this merchandise he sold to people like Noel was. I knew that he was still a dangerous man, I mean he shot Noel's kneecaps like it was nothing, and I also knew that this merchandise he sold wasn't anything legal, but I could try to overlook everything if he would just tell me what it was. I was willing to put my beliefs and morals aside to be with him, he just had to meet me half way if he really wanted this relationship with me, but it was apparent that he didn't, because he wasn't telling me anything..."so you won't tell me?" I asked him shakily. He groaned in pain.

Zano: "Busi I want to tell you so badly but I can't. I'm sorry." I swallowed.

Me: "Well I'm also sorry...but...I can't be with you Zanoxolo." I told him painfully.

Zano: "Please don't do this Busi." He begged brokenly. I just shook my head.

Me: "Can you help me out of bed please." I asked him tiredly. I was tired of this back and forth that we were doing. I needed to pack up my things so I could leave, but first I had to pee. I won't lie, I was surprised that he wasn't forcing me to stay in this relationship with him. The giant I knew would be telling me that I wasn't leaving him and be his bossy self. I guess he realized that after what happened last night, he couldn't force me to stay with him, since it was all because of him that last night happened. He helped me to get up from the bed. It wasn't easy I tell you. The way my lower abdomen was protesting, I was worried that something had been damaged inside my stomach from the hard punches I endured. The giant was holding me up since I couldn't stand on my own..."something is very wrong Zanoxolo. I don't think I should be feeling this much pain. I need to go to the hospital." I told him scared. He grunted.

Zano: "Last night, my friend who's a doctor did a check on you. He said no serious damage was done to your stomach but you're swollen inside. It will take a while for you to heal. He prescribed some pills that will help you heal and also help you with the pain." He informed me. I looked at him. He always surprised me when spoke for a long time. He's always grunting and growling and speaks as little as possible..."you will need to rest Busi, so that you can heal properly." I snorted loudly.

Me: "That's very rich coming from you. You never listened to me when I said you must rest your hands." I told him cheekily. He grunted.

Zano: "My woman is sensitive and soft so she will need to rest in order to heal." He stated. I rolled my eyes. I won't even entertain that he still called me his woman when we had just broken up a minute ago. I won't even entertain how my heart sang happily when he called me his woman. Nope!

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin