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My stories are really rough drafts, I'm writing the ideas as they come to my mind so I don't forget about them. Whenever I finish them, I'll come back and edit them.




I had been packing some clothes for winter break when my brother called me for our weekly chat. I'm leaving tomorrow to my hometown for the holidays but I told my brother I wasn't going to make it this year. Him being disappointed was an understandment, he was really sad and maybe even a little mad at me but I wanted to surprise not only him but te rest of my family as well this year.

"Are you sure you can't even take the day off and come home?" He hoped from the other side of the line.

I grinned devishly. "No can't do, mister. I have two presentations in three days." Lie. Yesterday had been my presentations and since today, I was off work until mid January.

"Christmas and New Year's are going to suck without you here. Plus, I wanted you to finally meet my friends." I, internally, chuckled. He was probably pouting even though he never realizes it and hates it when someone points it out.

"You know, Jace, I can always meet them on spring break or something." I continued, trying hard not to slip that I'm, actually, going.

"No, it's not going to be the same... Daniel and Zoe are awesome, they have been best friends since-"

"Middle school, I know." I interrupted him with a chuckle. "You've told me a hundred times already. I know them so well, they could be my best friends too." I finished.

Jace chuckled slightly. "Okay, yeah but you still don't get it." He continued. "Daniel is this great football player but takes his time for school and his family and Zoe... well she's basically awesome. She's fierce but sweet at the same time and she didn't care about my condition, she was just curious and treats me like nothing's wrong with me." He finished in a dreamy tone.

Jace has told me everything about this Zoe girl but I've never had the chance to officially meet her. "Sounds like you have a crush on someone." I teased him.

Jace sighed. "She's my best friend... Anyways, dad asked me to convince you but you seem like you don't want to come..." Jace trailed off.

Now, I was the one sighing. "Jace, believe me, I do want to come home and have our traditional barbecue and bonfire and everything we do on Christmas but my job has been getting really demanding. I'm sorry." I apologized to him. God, I was making this kid suffer with this little lie. I hope this doesn't come back and bite me in the ass.

"I know... Hey, I have to go, dad wants me to buy some stuff that's missing for the barbecue tomorrow so Zoe is taking me and she should arrive soon." Jace said in a defeated tone.

"Okay, grumpy boy. Take care." I said.

Jace sighed yet again. "You too, Eric, bye." He hung up after I said bye back.

Maybe, I should've called my dad and tell him I was, actually, coming home but making sure that it was still a surprise for Jace but I'm leaving tomorrow so I just hope that tomorrow comes fast enough.

I chuckled, again, and remembered the many times Jace has told me about Zoe, and also Daniel but the girl was the one he talked the most about. I can almost picture her, average height, chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes as Jace has told me counted times. I imagine how smooth her hair could be and how soft her gaze must be.

But it seems as her soft gaze may only be for my brother. I'm just happy that she makes him happy, even if there's not romance involved between them. My brother deserves that just like he deserved everything that's good.

I closed my suitcase and set it beside my bedroom door. I was going to call it a night when I heard my phone beeping with a new message from the bedside table.

'Want to come over and hang out? ;)'

...meaning you just want to have sex and make it impossible for me to leave afterwards, even though we agreed to just have sex? I wanted to text back but I couldn't, I wasn't going there either way. It was Mindy, one of the many one night stands that didn't quite understand the meaning of them, one being the key word.

'I can't, sorry. Maybe some other time.'

Like in a million years. I replied but not the last part though. My dad taught me to always be a gentleman. I might be somewhat a player but not an asshole. I'm not going to be disrespecful even if they are clingy as hell when we agreed that it wasn't going anywhere beyond sex.

I sighed in frustration. I should stop doing this, it's really getting annoying that women keep calling even after I said no. Actually, I have stopped, I haven't had a one night stand for a couple of weeks. Work's been consuming my time which definetely suits me right now. I need something new.

Thank you for reading and excuse my grammar!

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