11| Past Pains Rushing Back

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"Just explain to him. I've tried to call him but he's not picking he was probably busy or just doesn't pick numbers he's not familiar with...... Quinn use any method you can to stop him. It's a matter of life and death."

She seemed like she was in a hurry as she ended the call. Life and death, oh please.

Who the hell would be trying to kill Ace?

The elevator opened on the first floor, I was about to press the button for the 15th floor when I saw a familiar blonde head sitting on a bench.

"Ace!" I ran out of the elevator breathless.

"Are you okay?" I asked, scanning him.

He looked at me puzzled, "My car was tolled yesterday night because I had to get someone home."

I scoffed, "We have better things to worry about... don't go to work today."

"It's my fourth car this year-"

"Ace!" I yelled, he looked at me startled.

"Please don't go to work today," I paused and looked around making sure no one was within hearing capacity. LApparently someone is planning to have you killed today.....so ditch work today. You know I don't fancy you, but I'm serious about this."

He suddenly became serious and the essence around us became tense. His aurora suddenly switched and I saw something flicker in the sea in his eyes. He seemed so... Different.

"Today....at work?" He asked, his voice came out deeper and huskier giving it away that he was dead serious.

Okay, that was dead attractive. I swallowed and looked at my watch then back at him.

I bit my lower lip. "That's what I was told, and to make sure you don't go to work today.....you see every life is precious and...I...I don't want to lose anyone again so, please...... Can you skip work today?"

"Let's call the police, then you'll be safe, huh?" I added. "Think about your family, it's the ones that are left behind that suffer the most."

"It's just been a day and they're already attacking me," He chuckled and pocked the insides of his cheek with his tongue. "If they're planning to kill me then they won't stop just because I didn't go to work, they'll try over and over again to reach their goal......So I have to go." He suddenly got up and I grabbed his hands before he could go any further.

He stopped and turned back, I shook my head telling him to not go.

He sighed and held my hands. "I'll be careful, and make sure to not go anywhere suspicious," He said, I sighed and nodded.

He smiled and ruffled my bangs before walking away.

I ran my hands through my hair. I pleaded with any divine creature out there to keep him safe, I can't bear the pain of losing someone again.

My phone suddenly rang, I answered it as I sat on the bench and leaned back.

"Hey, Actress!"

"Yes, Shelly."

"Are you asleep?" She sounded alarmed, "She's asleep! Are you kidding me? Hey Actress you have a shot this morning so get up, Hey are still asleep? HEY ACTRESS!"

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