Chapter 1

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I was 12 when I wrote the beginning of this book. So keep that in mind when reading.


· I hope you enjoy *

Chapter 1

Pretty Hazel Eyes

Ally's Pov

Today is the first day of my new school. You know what that means? Basically, all eyes glued to me for the week or worse the month. Well, at least, it's nothing that I'm not used to. This will be my third school this year. My last school wasn't the best place to get an education. We constantly had the police showing up because people couldn't stop bring unnecessary things to school. I even requested the mayor to put the police station next door or down the hall. He laughed and secretly told me he agrees.

My other school was amazing and I'm only saying that because I had met my best friend there, Gemini. She's the rainbow after a rainy day. Leaving her behind was the hardest part about moving. You don't meet a lot of good people like her.

I pulled a denim shirt with long sleeves off the hanger and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans with rips on the knees and put them on. I looked over at my clock on my nightstand, six o'clock it read. I still have enough time to eat at home. Now, where are my shoes hiding at?

My eyes run all over the room thinking of the last place I had left them out. Under my bed! I bent down to look under the bed and saw my pair of white Vans; I smiled pulling them out and onto my feet. I got up running to the bathroom and began straightening my hair. Since it takes me a while, I always make sure to give myself at least, forty-five minutes to do it.

I put my straighter down, running my fingers through my hair. I love having my hair straighten it leaves me feeling like a totally different person every time.  Digging through my makeup bag, I decided to go light with my makeup, eyeliner, and mascara only. Today going to be a good day I told myself before grabbing my backpack then closing my bedroom door.

As I walk to the kitchen I can already smell the freshly baked cinnamon toast. At the kitchen table lay two pieces of cinnamon toast and oatmeal, my absolute favorite. I sat down at the table slowly eating my oatmeal while texting Gemini. She sent me a video of her dog eating her brother's shoes. I laughed, pressing the replay button again.

Justin walks in holding the mail in his hand with his lovely apron on that I had picked out for him at John's Baked Goods. You can't resist this cook.

"Good morning horse," he says smiling at me.

"Good morning dear Justin," I said.

Justin is my brother who I live with. My mother left us about four years ago leaving Justin to take care of me. He was only 19 years old at the time. She told him she couldn't take it anymore and to take good care of me. I know it has something to do with my father being gone for a while. She would get depressed sometimes and picked up her old habit of smoking.

She will start separating herself from us, surrounding herself with cigarettes. I hated what she did, it was so childish. She missed the important days of my life like when I got my period. I was so scared to tell Justin and when I did he looked more scared than I. He bought me what I need than took me out for pizza and ice cream. I remember always seeing he read books about the female body. Oh man, he's such an amazing brother.

My dad is in the army, he's in Afghanistan right now. I can't recall when he's supposed to come back, but we video chat once every two weeks. Two months after she left he came home for a couple months. He already knew about his wife abandoning his children, and he wanted nothing to do with her. He sent the papers over and ended it with her. That certainly made me happy.

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