The game just began.!?

Start from the beginning

         I held her close to me and woke her up from sleep. All that night I was there with her and slept with her. The next morning I saw a different side of her. Her behaviour changed for good and we came to good terms.

        She even got acquainted with Bella and they are sharing a good bond. And about me and my Pati Dev. We are totally good and are continuing on our still 'working-on-our-relationship' mode.

          Today Arjun said he can't drop as if he is having some important work. I am totally okay with that. I took my keys and went downstairs only to get greeted by Madhu and Bella. Looks like they are having a very good time.

                I ate my breakfast and was about leave but I don't why I turned towards Madhu. There was a sudden urge in me to pull her for a hug and I did that. I hugged her tightly and pecked her forehead. "From now onwards you are like a sister to me. You can share anything with me about your past. Stay in home only don't go out. Bye and also take your medicine and eat your food in time." I said and left.

             I know whatever I did was stupid but she need someone by her side now and recently I got to know that all she felt for my Arjun is long gone. Once I saw some bruises on her body and was shocked to core. Her body is totally bruised and I cringed at that memory. I want Justice for her.

        Maybe she is bad in past and even was the reason for Manish trapping me. But no one deserves that kind of treatment. Every one is equal infront of court and Justice. Also that Manish has to pay for his deeds. I already talked about filing a case against Manish in the act of Rape and kidnap of Madhu. He said he will support me in everything and that's what I wanted. I will fight for Madhu.

          Every person changes due to their experiences. Maybe before that incident they are bad but as they experience their worst phase of life it will definitely do some changes. I may forgive Madhu but not forget her deeds that's for sure but I want to help her in getting Justice. That's it. I will work on it.

          With this new determination I continued my driving towards work. Suddenly I don't know what happened to my car it started troubling. The brakes aren't working too.. the steering is now out of control and before I could knew my car hit the tree and everything around me is black......

Don't give me glares like that.

I know you all don't like cliffhangers

So Iam giving you all continuation...

Author's POV:

Life is never easy. It's just make us think it is... We never can know what happens the next moment in our lives. As the old sayings nothing goes according to our plans isn't it? If we do a wrong to someone in one way or other we will get punished for that.

           When Aranya left from home she wanted Justice for Madhu. She wanted Madhu to be happy like everyone. Now what happened to her? Like that we can never say what happens to us the next minute.

         Back in the home after Aru left Madhu is playing with  Bella. The door bell of the mansion rang. As Madhu is in first floor she didn't hear the sounds of outside. The door was opened by Martha. As she looked at the person she has a frown on her forehead. She saw a gun in his hands and before she knew she was knocked down. Her head hit the ground with a thud.

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