Callan did as he was told. The book flapped its pages until settling for a random one. It glowed a light in the air and a white cloud was formed vertically upwards of the book. The clouds slowly became transparent and images started appearing out of nowhere. Callan was confused by the trickery of the book but soon he realised that the book was picturising the events from his dream.

And then he saw it.

It looked like the skies were angry. There were thunderstorms and the ground beneath was shaking. The gravels from the earth were uplifting themselves and vigorously rotating. All of a sudden these fine particles were moving in a particular direction like they were attacking someone. A loud roar could be heard as a black wolf made its appearance piercing the thick fog. He looked angry and ready to kill a person who was standing a few distances away. He glued his bloody red eyes to his perpetrator and growled in anger. The wolf then launched itself in the direction of the person but was held midway and thrashed to the ground by an unknown force. He tried to stand on his four legs but was unable to do so. The wolf struggled before finally transforming into his human.

It was Einar.

The person in front of Einar took slow measured steps towards him. Blood decorated his face as wounds and bruises covered his entire body. He limped slowly but painfully towards Einar as the once forceful winds now were completely calm. Einar looked to his tormentor with a stoic face maintaining a brave exterior. He snarled when the person was close enough indicating him to stand back, to warn him. The bruised person stopped in his tracks and narrowed his swollen eyes. He slowly lifted his right hand fingers to circle it. As he did the motion, Einar's face became red, the veins in his body bulged and it appeared to make its way by tearing the flesh. He was breathless as he tried to soothe his neck by rubbing his hands frantically up and down. He felt strangulated like the air was leaving his body. He was struggling to survive..

The clouds puffed and disappeared all of a sudden leaving the images in a blur before clearing out. Callan was amazed by how vivid the pictures were. It was exactly what he had been dreaming. He closed the book and looked at a distraught Aurora. Her face mirrored horror while her eyes could not stop the beads which soaked her cheeks. Her mouth lay hung open while her body was trembling with fear. She could not believe what she just saw.

Callan was about to kill Einar!

This is not what was supposed to happen! Einar and Callan were the two most powerful entities in the entire world. This clash of titans would only result in a catastrophic destruction! They would kill an entire pack. But why would they end up fighting? Weren't they supposed to complete each other? The Luna paired them for a reason so what could let them going for each others throat? Nobody knew what the future holds but if Callan was seeing this than things were serious.

"Is this what you see in your dreams?" Aurora cautiously asked him.

Callan looked intently at his friend "Yes. The same for the past several days."

"Have you told anyone about it?"

"Archer." Callan nervously smiled at Aurora. She sighed and lowered her head "What's wrong? Was I not to tell him?"

She shook her head. Letting people know about this dream was a bad idea. It may cause greater consequences. But right know she wanted to know the reason why this fight occurred in the first place. "Tell me Callan when you see yourself killing Einar, what do you feel? I mean what were you going through?

"What kind of a question is that!"

Though she was being absurd but it was necessary to know Callan's emotional state at that moment. This way she could try to understand the situation better. "Please Callan, it is important for me to know." She pleaded.

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