"Your solution to everything can't just be breaking up", he throws his head back, covering his face with his hands.

"It isn't! But it's obviously the right thing to do in this situation. You shouldn't have to deal with this, Taehyung. You shouldn't have to deal with a girlfriend that isn't straight in the head. Hell, you definitely shouldn't have to deal with me almost being murdered! It's not normal!", she gestures wildly as she speaks, angry with everything she's put him through, "You deserve better."

"Shut up", he mumbles darkly under his breath.


"Shut up", he repeats again loudly, starting to yell with tears in his eyes, "Do you have any idea what being in love is, Moonhae? Do you not feel the same love I do for you? Because if you did then you would know damn straight that I could never leave you! I can't step away no matter how much it hurts to see you like this!! It's been like that since the day you walked into that dining room! No matter how much pain you go through and trust me I feel it too, I could never ever stop loving you!!!"

"Of course I love you as much as you love me!!", she yells back at him, "I love you so much I can't see you hurting so I'd rather leave you than cause you any more pain!!!"

"I don't care about any of that, don't you see?!", his eyes are puffy as he lets out heaving breaths.

"Why the fuck not?!"

"Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you!!!", he finally lets out with a sob.

Everything falls completely silent at that, only Taehyung's uncontrollable sniffling can be heard. He realizes what he's said and so does she. Now neither of them know what to say.

"I mean- I...", Taehyung can't think of anything to make an excuse, because he did in fact mean it. This girl is the love of his life and he's never been more certain about anything else.

Yet Moonhae stares back at him blankly, a million thoughts racing through her mind. Not all of them good ones.

"Do you really mean that?", her voice is nothing but a whisper when it finally comes out.

"Of course I mean that", he murmurs.

With tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes, yet never spilling over, she slowly rises from her armchair. Taking a few steps towards the boy across from her, she gazes down at his fearful expression. Without another word, she lets herself sink onto his lap, sitting sideways so she can wrap her arms around his neck and lean into his chest. There's no hesitation for Taehyung when he puts his arms around her, holding her tightly in place and afraid to let go.

"I think...", her voice seems so small in his ear, "I think I want that too."

Over the past week Jimin and Aya had been meeting up after work or between work or basically any minute they had some free time. The two snuck around the city together, finding the nooks and crannies Seoul has to offer, all while having the most fun of their lives. It's this cool, yet sunny afternoon that they decide to visit a famous ice cream shop downtown.

"Look, Aya, look!", Jimin shouts gleefully as he poses in front of a large bear statue, imitating the cute position he's in.

"You look just like him!", she laughs while getting her phone out to take a picture.

As he continues to make more ridiculous poses just to hear her sweet laugh a little longer, she becomes increasingly impatient as her stomach begins to grumble.

"Okay, idiot, where's the ice cream you wanted me to try?", she stuffs her phone away and crosses her arms.

"Aish, who are you calling idiot?", he momentarily pouts before moving to gesture at the small shop behind him, "It's right here!"

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