Chapter 2- After all this time

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(y/n) completely disregarded everything that her mind had been pondering as she approached the animation studio. Her curiosity got a hold of her, drawing her to the long forgotten place that she had spent so long working in.

 She knew full well that the place was abandoned, meaning that the front door was probably locked. The curious girl walked up to it anyway, turning the handle, surprised to find it unlocked. It seemed as if Joey hadn't bothered to lock the place up, but (y/n) didn't think anyone would have been stupid enough to just waltz in, seeing as the place looked pretty creepy. The inside only got worse. Opening the door and hesitantly stepping inside, the girl looked around the room. Well, it was more of a narrow hallway that slowly opened up to a bigger room, but there was ink everywhere! (y/n) was constantly staring at the floor, stepping over ink puddles and making sure not to touch the rotting walls of the building. The source of the ink seemed to be coming from the rusty black pipes that lined the ceiling, but what exactly was flowing the ink through the pipes? The girl had no clue. She had managed to avoid the ink puddles, stopping at the end of the short hallway to gaze into the bigger room that had now come into view.

An old projector sat on a nearby wooden stool, playing an endless tape onto a white sheet hanging from the wall. The character being projected was someone she knew all too well. Bendy the dancing demon, a beloved character, and the star of the show that the employees worked so hard to animate. 

This is what had become of the place?! This was the place that she had loved with all of her heart? It certainly wasn't anything like what (y/n) was imagining in her head when she had finally found the building after so long. She had been so absorbed in her own thoughts, that it took her a few moments to realise that the projector had turned itself off. Creepy....

Deciding to look around before she got a panic attack, the girl quickly left the room. She had little to no idea where she was going, but it didn't really matter to her. Every little thing about the strange place made her skin crawl, the ink that dripped from the ceiling sending shivers down her spine each time it made contact with her skin. Thinking about how cheerful the place used to be was quite a waste of time. The only thing that the place could hold now, was the nightmares. It was creepy, but (y/n) wanted to figure out what had happened to the lovable cartoons. One look at the old building, and most people would do a complete 180 and walk home. Not her.....She didn't run. 

Unfortunately for her, she had no idea what was to come.

Walking around for who knows how long, she finally managed to stumble across a fairly important room. There were multiple pictures on the wall, each frame displaying a specific item that could be found around the studio. In front of each of these pictures, was a pedestal, supposedly for each item to sit on.

 She eventually caught on, searching around the drawing desks of her old coworkers to see if any of the items were there. Her scavenger hunt was interrupted by her curious mind, as she once again stepped into another important room. The most noticeable thing about the room, was the seemingly bottomless pit in the center, four chains extending down from the ceiling into the abyss. Joey had never shown or told her about the strange room, but that man hadn't really told any of the animators much of anything before he shoved them out the door. 

(y/n) left the room to continue the hunt for the few items. Upon leaving the room, she glanced up at the doorway to find an old sign above her. It read, in blotchy, black letters, 'INK MACHINE'. So that was what that room was intended for, but she didn't see the ink machine in there, unless that was what the chains where holding onto from down in the dark pit.

All this concern with finding the missing items completely distracted her from the fact that there were cardboard cutouts following her the whole time. Although they weren't literally chasing after her, she could feel eyes on her. She had nearly gotten a heart attack as one of them peeked from around the corner earlier. It was not in any way making the situation better for her. She didn't even really know why she was trying to find these items anyway. There wasn't much of anything that she was missing out on back in town, so what did she really have to lose?

I mean, her life was one of those things, but she didn't know that. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't alone in the studio. This girl had caught someone else's attention, and he sure as hell didn't plan on letting this one leave easy.

His method was quite different from the average murderer. Yeah, because we all just see our share of murderers every now and then, walking down the street. Most would just drug or kidnap their victim, killing them in a secluded place where no one would find them until it was too late. He was different though. This beast tended to toy with his victims, looking through the eyes of the cutouts to watch their every move.

 He messed around with them, attempting to make their fear seem more apparent in order to amuse himself. Half the time, he never even needed to show up to cause the victim to run back where they came, banging on the front door, begging for someone to hear their cries. Their pleas only caught the attention of the demon, and they all did the same thing upon facing him for the first time. They backed into the corner, cowering, waiting for death to come. It was all the same. No matter how many times he went through it, every single person acted the same. That person's first encounter, was always their last.

When he saw a young girl running down the hall, he assumed that she was looking for the missing items. He had guessed correct, watching her run past with a Bendy plush in her arms. He was using the eyes of the cutouts again, knowing all too well that she had felt his gaze on her. He didn't exactly have "eyes", but he could somehow still see with all of the ink dripping down his head, down to his eternal grin.

He had to admit, he hadn't ever met this one, oh how unfortunate for her. She wouldn't have the slightest idea who had killed her, it would be too painful to think about anyways. Not that he really cared, if she wants to waltz on into his domain, then she risks her life. His essence had left the cutout, returning back to his monstrous, inky form. Soon, she will realize her mistake, but she won't be able to fix it in the least. 

On second thought, had he ever killed a woman before? He had only really remembered his encounters with the male animators, maybe the women had just used their common sense and left the building alone. Men had tendencies to be stupid that way, thinking that they can do anything without taking the time to think it through. Well, woman or man, he'd kill them regardless. All he had to do was wait, and he wasn't going to let this one cower by the door. If she would even do that, which he was hoping not.

The girl had finally managed to gather everything, the strange feeling of being watched never ceasing. She turned on the ink pressure, and flipped the bigger switch that powered the whole machine. It was running, and for what? It wasn't like it would be useful to anyone, the studio was empty! She couldn't really do much else about it. (y/n) walked back to the ink machine room, realising two things. One, the ink machine was lifted up from the pit, which was odd because she never even did anything to bring it up from the darkness. Two, the doorway to the ink machine was boarded up, and she knew that she hadn't done that either. This place was just getting creepier...

She slowly approached the wooden boards that had been nailed into the doorway, but something on the opposite side was also approaching. Just as (y/n) was about to peek her head in through the boards, a huge shadow loomed over her, giving her a sense of fear unlike anything she had ever felt in her life.

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