Chapter 8- Annoying as hell

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A day had passed since Bendy scared you off of the couch, and all you had done since yesterday was play with that Bendy plush.

Bendy had gotten extremely pissed off with the annoying sound that quickly followed the small thing every time you squeezed it. He had snached the toy from you, placing it on a nearby bookshelf, so that was too high up for you to reach. You had responded to his actions like a five year old would have, jumping up repeatedly in an attempt to grab the stuffed toy off of the shelf.

He was slightly amused by how badly you wanted the plush, and was constantly making sure that you never got the opportunity to get it back.

You had almost gotten it earlier, it had been sitting on the very edge of the shelf. As you were jumping up to grab it, your fingers brushed past the stuffed figure, pushing it off the shelf, but Bendy had caught it before you, placing it back up on the wood.

You groaned in annoyance, you wanted that thing so bad. It was the only cure for your boredom.

The demon had watched you for about twenty minutes, before you finally gave up on getting the toy back. "Why do you have to ruin everything?" You grumbled, sitting down on the couch with your arms crossed. The cartoon was definitely becoming easier to get used to. You could manage a bit of a conversation with him without feeling the need to bolt back into the bedroom.

"Well gee, I don't really wanna be annoyed to death with your childish antics."

The demon snarled, looking down at you with a irritated frown on his face. He said nothing more to you after that, and walked into the kitchen for a reason that you did not know of. Glancing up at the plushie sitting on the shelf, an idea suddenly popped into your head. You weren't about to let everything go Bendy's way.

You quickly peeked into the kitchen, seeing that Bendy was busy with something. This was your chance. Making sure to make as little noise as possible, you slowly crept over towards the bookshelf. The plush was on the highest shelf, so you decided to use the lower ones to climb your way up to the top. Why you hadn't thought of that sooner, you had no clue.

You grabbed onto one with both hands, using your feet to climb higher up, one shelf at a time. Bendy had not come out of the kitchen yet, giving you more time to climb. It didn't take long for you to reach the top, grabbing onto the plush with one hand.

Unfortunately, your grip on the toy had been too tight, and a loud squeak emerged from the plushie. Silence was all that followed, and you froze with your eyes wide, still holding onto the top of the shelf with one hand. 

Bendy walked out of the kitchen, looking up at the shelf to see that you had climbed up the piece of furniture to get the damn thing. 


"Seriously (y/n)?" He said blankly, his frown stretching farther down.  "Your acting ridiculous..." 

You clutched the plush tightly to your chest, narrowing your eyes at him. "It's mine, I got it back fair and square." The devilish cartoon smirked, "Mhm, and how do you plan on getting down from there with that in your hands?"

Your eyes went from being narrowed, to going wide again. Glancing down at the ground, you didn't see any option other than to just go for it. Bendy chuckled, watching you make an attempt to get back down. As you lowered your free hand to grip onto a lower shelf, you stumbled a bit, almost falling off completely.

With your attention being focused on climbing down, you didn't notice Bendy move closer to you, grumbling something too quiet for you to hear.

He stretched his arms up, claws extended as he grabbed onto your waist with both hands. You whipped your head around to look at him, yelping in surprise as he lowered you off of the bookshelf and onto the wood floor. The demon let go of you, looking down at your surprised and confused expression.

Your brain simply didn't understand his motive...Why did he help you, he was the devil......He had never done anything like that before, and was certainly never that nice to you.

You backed up. Being quite that close to him was still unnerving. "I would have liked to see you fall, but I definitely don't want to hear you complain about getting hurt, so I'm letting you go unharmed just this once." 

Bendy turned around, walking back into the kitchen to finish whatever the hell he was doing.

You just stood there, your confused face now carrying a large frown. Aaaaaannnnnddddd he's still a bitch. Glaring at him, you brushed his comment aside. It didn't matter much to you, you got what you wanted. Walking over to the couch, you sat down and squeezed the toy again, getting that cute squeak that you liked so much.

Every time you squeezed the thing, Bendy would slightly flinch from in the kitchen. This was probably the millionth time he had heard that noise.

And he definitely had heard enough of it...

The demon walked into the "living room" once more, approaching you on the couch. He went to grab the toy, but you got up and bolted before he could take it, squeezing it as you ran. He ran after you, following you into the bedroom with the door still attached. "Damn it! I've had enough of that stupid thing!" Bendy roared, slamming the bedroom door behind him as he blocked your only exit. You weren't liking how close he was to you, let alone the fact that you were both in a very small room, giving you nowhere else to run.

You scooted back on the bed in the corner of the room, holding the plush close to you. Bendy slowly walked over to the edge of the bed, resting one hand on the mattress while the other extended out towards you, trying to pry your arms off of the plushie.

The next five minutes were like an owner trying to take a toy from their dog. 

Bendy gripped onto your arm with his gloved hand, but he intentionally went for your healthy one. The wounds on your other arm were healing, but he apparently didn't want to worsen what he had already caused. He didn't feel bad about hurting you, but it was merely the thought of not being able to shut you up that made him think twice about it.

He eventually ripped the toy out of your grasp, turning around and walking out of the room with it. You quickly followed suit, groaning as he placed the plush back on the shelf.

"Don't try climbing that again..." Bendy growled.

You looked at him with a scowl, your head held low.

"You are no fun."

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