Chapter 51- Newfound allies

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I know that I've done this before in the story, but I'm going to clear it up just in case it needs to be. I am not the best at writing fast paced plots, mainly because I feel like there is a lack of detail in between them, but this chapter contains a lot of escalation in the story, so the large gap in between portions of the text indicate that a short amount of time has passed, and it is not all occurring within seconds of the last event. In that large gap, you can assume that the characters are simply talking between one another or discussing things related to the plot itself.

There's only one gap, so it's not that big of a deal. Still wanted to clarify.

Secondly, this chapter is pretty long, so I hope you like it despite my lack in knowledge with the smooth flow of events. This point is where the book actually finalizes the storyline, so I didn't want to break it up into multiple chapters.

Here ya go! 


Sometimes it felt like your heart had stopped functioning properly since coming down here. This was definitely one of those times. A shock was not an uncommon thing when it came to these twists and turns that were forced in front of you, yet every last one of them got the same reaction out of you, and the words that left your fathers mouth were no different.

If Bendy were to be standing there, Sammy was sure that even he would be terrified after seeing your attitude change as quickly as it did.

There were many different feelings running through you. There was anger, and the irritation that came with knowing that he was the one responsible for your father's disappearance. There was also sadness, however, and you felt betrayed for being mislead and lied to all this time. For someone who talked about having a distaste for liars, Bendy sure wasn't a stranger to them.

You recalled the moment in the library, when he had denied your questions about it. The was torn because he had destroyed it. All evidence of his crimes against you had been submerged under false allegations. To think that he loved you, yet could easily lie straight to your was unbelievable.

On the contrary, you realized that he probably didn't tell you because he knew that this would be the reaction. Maybe it had been out of fear that he'd lose the only humane person down here.

Still, that didn't matter. You trusted him with everything, and this is how he repaid you?

It was hard to find a place to stand in this dilemma. You hated him a lot for what he did, but despite this, he still saved your life numerous times along the way. A light hand was placed on your shoulder, and your irritation was brought into focus as you stopped dead in your internal rant.

'Are you alright?' Dale wrote, turning his notebook to you.

You frowned at the note, your eyebrows furrowing as you snarled angrily.

"Yeah, just fine! TOTALLY FUCKING FINE!" You nudged his hand away from you. The answer was be clear... You pinched the bridge of your nose, hugging yourself with your other hand.

"Just figured out that the guy I love MURDERED my father!"

Your dad scoffed at your remark, pouncing on the comment like a wildcat.

"I'm not letting you go about having a relationship of any kind with that monster! Even if you manage to get over this, you're ending it with him!"

"You can have him! I don't want him anymore!" You snapped back, whipping your head up to glare at the lost one.

Maybe it was just the anger talking. You didn't really meant that...right? Bendy had a lot of issues, and he was trying to fix them. Trying... You weren't perfect either, and you didn't doubt that you'd have wandered into trouble if the ink demon had told you about this sooner, so maybe it benefited in some way.

Bendy X Reader- River Of Sinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें