Chapter 28- Devil in disguise

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A small and timid searcher bounded up the elongated steps of the second most feared individual's domain. Throughout the entire studio, she had proved herself to be a wicked and deceitful fiend.

There were not nearly as many who chose to treat her as someone above the ink demon himself, but there were enough of them to fit to her needs. This searcher was either going to be praised for being of use, or thrown into a quiet fit of dishonorment for the underwhelming results it had provided. Regardless of the product, it was still determined to provide it's superior with the news.

It hadn't been a day worth remembering for this little inkling. These last few years had been even more depressing than the first few.

It scurried up the last of the steps, approaching the large, metal doors that protected his onlooker from the demon; after all that had occured, he was the only thing that she seemed to be afraid of. 

The searcher waited a moment. It knew that she had seen him.

To the creature's delight, the doors began to open; a one way entrance to his high and mighty mistress. It continued onward, down the long hallways and turning the corners without any sign of drag or fatigue.

The hallways eventually opened up into a large pit of ink, with nothing but wooden boards to walk across. Throughout the room, on the ceiling and the walls, were bodies upon bodies of other ink-covered creatures. Some were members of the butcher gang, a group created solely to play as background characters in the dancing demon's cartoons. Others...were of the ink demon's long, forgotten friend, Boris the wolf.

She loved her little collection...she talked about it way more often than one would assume. The woman was no longer as sane as she liked to believe she was, and talking about her collection of corpses was proof of that, yet she still denied it.

She always told them that one day...she would be as she once was...

The searcher was not at all phased by the bodies as it crossed over the inky expanse, making its way into another set of hallways and finally reaching its destination moments later with an abrupt halt.

In front of him, a tall, slender woman stood in a pair of black stilettos. She wore a strapless, black dress, matching with her shoes and neatly brushed hair perfectly. The figure looked to be perfect, in every way, shape, and form.

But alas, when she turned to face the searcher, she was not as she seemed.

"My little angel~" She sneered down at the inkling, her face being revealed to the creature and giving it a strong and sudden sense of fear.

"Have you come to disappoint me? " She queered, bending down to loom her mangled face closer to the searcher. Her halo was jammed into her head, and her fingers almost seemed to sharpen into thin claws as they neared the smaller beings face.

"You've seen how much I hate disappointment." She added, glancing behind her at the body of charlie strapped to a surgical table. The butcher gang member was flailing against it's restraints, laying behind a thick glass window that separated the room from where the angel stood currently with the searcher.

The small inkling shook its head instantly, its meek little frame shaking lighty at the thought of being mutilated next.

It paused for a moment, before showing her a small piece of paper with a little paragraph scribbled down on it. It couldn't speak, so it's only option was to write down what it wished to say to her.

The woman took the note from it and leaned back upright, placing a hand on her hip whilst she read the words. Whatever it said seemed to please the angel, and she grinned to herself as she finished. Who knew what kind of malicious things were running through her mangled mind.

"Mmm..." She hummed to herself, her voice ringing out with delight. She looked back down at the searcher, content with the result of sending this lacky of hers up to the upper levels.

"You've done a splendid job darling~" She praised, lifting her arm and dismissing the searcher with a wave of her hand. "Now make yourself scarce, I still have a list of errands for you to run."

The searcher seemed content with her approval, and scurried off to complete the other tasks the woman had mentioned. The angel walked off with the note, her lips parting to divulge her "angelic" voice as she began to sing a short little melody. Her voice always pierced her own heart every time she heard it. It was the voice of Susie Campbell, and how would she ever be able to forget her own voice actress?

The former partner to Bendy was always looking to find distractions, so that her past wasn't always haunting her mind. She enjoyed having Susie as her voice actress, but the memories of having her replaced were too daunting most of the time.

Her new pastime was pissing off the ink demon, and she always managed to find new ways to do that. It was amusing to watch the demon throw tantrums when she destroyed his cutouts, and it never failed to make that evil, hateful smile spread across her face. She despised that demon, ever since he destroyed her future, and tore her face apart.

The angel walked back into one of the hallways the searcher had come in through, opening a set of drawers on one of the desks in the hall. That demon was the entire reason that she was even in this hell.

What she was told today, however, would change everything.

"Oh Bendy, you really thought that you could hide that girl forever?" The woman chuckled, taking a large syringe out of the drawer and examining the sharp end as it reflected the dim rays of light off of its shiny exterior.

There was no happy ending in this studio, and the angel was not going to treat those who tarnished her life kindly. She growled under her breath as she recalled the very moment he stole the stage, and how he left her in the shadows while he reveled in the admiration from all those adoring children.

He took everything...

The studio was littered with speakers on the few floors that the elevator managed to reach, and each one sputtered with a layer of dust as the angel's voice rang out on every last one of them. Her demanding tone called the attention of all who favored her rather than the ink demon, and all at once they understood the woman's urgency. They understood her hatred.

"My lovely little searchers, your angel has another task for you~" She said in her mellifluous voice, her presence being from a room only she had ever been able to use.

"I hope you're all up for a little fetch quest~"

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