Chapter 10- Assumptions

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As promised, I have brought you a new chapter! And honestly it's about time I published one...

I might publish another chapter later tonight, it really just depends on whether or not I'm willing to stay up and write it. MAAAAYYBBEE...

Asking about specific parts of the deal wasn't a very good idea to say the least.

You were currently sitting down on the couch, and as always, you were confined in the lounge. Bendy hadn't become any more lenient with the restrictions that came with the deal you had made, and judging by the look he had given you earlier, he wasn't up for negotiating either.

  The demon was nowhere to be seen, and you were left with the empty, dust-filled rooms once again.

Bendy had taken the plushie with him when he left, so that was not available to you anymore. You had really enjoyed getting on Bendy's nerves with that thing, but alas, the fun was over. Searching throughout the lounge, you came across a large sketchbook in one of the drawers of your bedroom nightstand. There were a few pens in there as well. How lucky for you!

That was all you needed to entertain yourself for the time being.

A small smile made its way onto your face, and you quickly scurried off to the couch with the sketchbook in your hand. Time seemed to go by much faster now that you were occupied, and being a former animator had certainly taught you a thing or two about drawing.

You drew multiple sketches of Boris the Wolf and Alice Angel, but decided to draw a few of Bendy too. You were so busy drawing, that you hadn't noticed the ink mound forming on the door to the lounge. 

Bendy had silently returned, but his attention was drawn to you almost instantly. He couldn't see what you were doing, as your back was turned towards him. Without informing you of his presence, he slowly made his way towards you. 

Once close enough, he was able to see what you were doing due to his much taller stature. What he saw surprised him, but no one would have been able to tell. He had gotten very good at hiding his emotions over the last 30 years. He didn't expect you to be drawing. Hell, he didn't expect you to even be DECENT at drawing. Yet, as he watched the pen move in sync with your hand across the paper, the result turned out to be very impressive. 

"Never knew you were that good at drawing."

You immediately whipped your head around. There he was, looming his head over top of yours, watching you draw. You almost fell off of the couch again as your heart began to race. "HOLY SHIT-" You placed your hand over your heart, "Why do you keep doing that!"

Bendy chuckled, resting his arms on the back of the couch. "You get scared way too easily (y/n)~"

You scowled at him, turning back to your sketchbook to finish your drawing. Bendy calmly watched, his non-visible eyes glued onto the page. The demon had watched plenty of animators at work, but he couldn't seem to remember anyone with such a skill as yours.

"You practice often?"

You paused, looking back over at the demon. An unwanted frown stretched across your face as you remembered your past life. "Actually...I used to work here as an animator." You replied sadly, rubbing the back of your neck.

The demon tilted his head, "You used to work here, huh? I don't ever remember seeing you around." He growled, his tone suddenly going cold as he moved away from the couch. 

You were confused by his sudden change in emotion, and the fear you once had for him began to emerge from under....something else... You couldn't tell what exactly it was, but it felt as if it may have been...was it trust?

There was no way in hell that you trusted Bendy enough to rid yourself of your fear, that fear being of the toon himself. 

But what could it have been then? There was no possible way that it was love, so thinking about that was a completely pointless road trip. 

Pushing your thoughts aside, you lifted your head up, meeting Bendy's gaze. "What is with you?! You say it like I'm a disgrace towards humanity or something! I was only trying to be nice!" Bendy growled at you, slowly waving his claws in the air. It was as if he was reminding you not to get on his bad side.

He may have seemed intimidating, but he didn't move. Bendy simply stood there, watching your brave face instantly switch between scared and alarmed.

"When animators like you wander into my domain, I tend to assume that they aren't good things, and judging by what you just told me, you happen to be one of the traitors who betrayed me!"

You looked at him in shock. How could he blame you for betraying him, when you and Bendy never even knew each other! 

"That's not even fair! We didn't even know each other! How could someone abandon you if they didn't know you existed!" Sure, you had known that he was part of the cartoon you helped animate, but you had never been told that Bendy was alive and wandering around the studio at that time.

Bendy didn't respond to your outburst, and luckily didn't seem to be mad at you for lashing out at him. He crossed his arms, looking down at the floor in denial. He didn't want to admit it, but you did have a point.

Finally, you had the upper hand in an argument. You couldn't help but smirk at the fact that Bendy had nothing to say about the point you had just made. 

"Maybe you shouldn't assume that all animators are traitors." You huffed, realising that your sketchbook had fallen onto the floor.

"And maybe you shouldn't assume that you'll get away with yelling at me like that again~" The cartoon snapped back, a huge smirk now spreading across his face.

You eyes widened slightly, and then you realised that what you were feeling earlier was definitely not trust.

Glad I didn't assume it was a good feeling...

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