Chapter 56- Don't cry for the wolf

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You could still hear the clamoring of searchers and weapons outside of the door. They were surprisingly loud, even when it was cut off from your view by the giant metal doors. 

Your main concern was death, however; death was unbelievably close, and you could feel your fear of it tingling throughout your body as though the hallway was at a temperature below zero, with icicles hanging to and fro along the trim that lined the hallways, worn and old as usual.

'Yep...still completely terrified.'

You felt unevenly matched, and you were aware that the pipe in your hands would do you almost no good at all against your angelic pursuer, no matter how deceiving the one side of her face remained. The space in front of you was yet another hallway, as if you haven't seen enough of those, but it was much more unnerving to stand in than any other at the present moment.

And you though the ink demon had been scary when you first met him. HAH! That had only been the first phase of fear to strike you, and when it came to Alice, she'd be sure to make her image last in your mind, like some sickening, internal tattoo etched into your frontal lobe. Permanent nightmares you would endure and suffer through if you weren't killed after this, and just that thought alone made dying sound like the more generous offer.

What had she wanted you for though? Why you? Only Alice knew the answer to that...and maybe someone else, who may or may not be scanning their eyes over these words right now, but it will be left at that.

Nothing left to do with yourself here, (Y/n). The only choice was to walk deeper into what you were positive was a trap. Bendy said it himself, the only way to get to her was to give her what she wanted. Any alternatives had been unthinkable, and not because they were too horrific, but because they had literally been impossible to come up with.

You had been busy fighting with your own mind, but out of the uncomfortable, muffled noise of the fight going on outside of her safehouse, the angel had spoken over the loudspeakers.

"You think this is almost over, Ink demon?"

Her words were not directed at you. She seemed to have responded to something Bendy said, probably along the lines of how the conflict seemed to be turning in his favor, which you were unaware of. Did Alice even know that you were in her safehouse? Hearing her over the speakers made you unsure.

The woman laughed, causing you to frown with unease as you continued to listen.

"I guess I'd forgotten to acquaint you with my last playing card, although you'll probably recognize him. He was quite a good friend of yours."

What? Who was she talking about? A good friend to Bendy? The only name you could come up with when you thought about good friends of his, other than you father of course, was...


"You knew about his little problem, didn't you? His curse? He always ended up in my hands each time he came back from death, and eventually, he stopped coming back all together."

No. That's beyond cruel. She couldn't be talking about Boris.

Alice let an amused humm leave her lips, and it's low and deadly tone made you shudder. There was a loud thumping coming from the other end of the hallway, and you panicked as hoarse, breathy groans and growls sounded from up ahead.

Your eyes scoured the hall for a place to hide, fearing the worst and assuming that the source of the sounds was not to be taken lightly. They were only growing closer.

Luckily, there was a cutout of Alice up ahead, and you bolted to it and ducked behind the cardboard, closing your eyes shut and huddling behind it. Hopefully it wouldn't see you, whatever it was. Your heart was mere moments from stopping with how much fear had risen as the thumping came right up to the cutout and passed it, as though the owner of the noise hadn't given the item a second thought. 

You waited a few more seconds to make sure that it wouldn't notice you if you were to move, and decide to turn around. With that precaution being taken, you opened your eyes and looked at the abomination that had passed by.

Stomping ahead of you, and over to the big doors you had entered from, was a large, and dismembered version of a very familiar character that you recognized from the posters on the top level of the studio. A metal bracket was encasing it's head and ears, supporting it like a cast would when someone were to break their arm and go to the hospital, only it was more like framework than an actual cast.

It's body looked unnatural, like it wasn't supposed to be that large, and it had been forced into a state it could not contain. Obscured from your view, was it's open ribcage and rapidly beating heart, exposed and gushing a concerning amount of ink.

It growled uncomfortably and stopped in front of the metal doors of the safehouse. It's tail drooped behind it, and you felt an unutterable sorrow sweep over you.

"Hang on tight~ I've got a surprise. I saved the LAST of him just for you. The reunion is always so sweet." 

The giant creature let out a frightening roar as the metal doors opened, and it stomped out into the fight outside, with the doors closing violently behind it. You could no longer see it, and more importantly, you couldn't see Bendy's reaction as Alice confirmed your suspicions.

"Meet the new and improved Boris! The last one to walk the studio, and he's all yours!"

Two words: Poor Bendy.

What an unfortunate way to find out that all this time, there had been one version of Boris left, and he had been mutilated by Alice and saved just for this moment, where she would break the ink demon and take his place as ruler. Someone who he had once known to be a loyal and faithful friend until the end, was now a hostile enemy, and Bendy would have no choice but to slaughter him.

This seemed too ridiculous to be revenge. All of this, because of a small amputation that only got half of her face? There had to be more to the story, and more to the history between Bendy and Alice that you didn't know about. Maybe she hadn't liked him all along, and had always despised him because he was a demon. These were just your thoughts though, and you weren't sure if they had any connection. It could have all been nonsense, and Alice would have definitely gotten backlash for her distorted face when it came to showbiz.

There was more loud roaring outside, and this time you could hear that some of it was Bendy. Whether he was using intimidation, or he was actually fighting his long lost friend, you had no clue.

'I still have a job to do. Alice hasn't won yet.'

You braced yourself, piecing together your puzzle of emotions and stepping from your hiding spot to continue onward, pipe in hand.

Any searcher who followed the angel must have only gotten motivation because they were granted safety from the ink demon. They couldn't say that they were safe from Alice, because they weren't, and that made it hard to comprehend what they got in exchange for obeying her. The ink demon had been after everyone originally, so he wasn't part of that equation. Saying that someone who was a danger to you was also providing protection from a different danger wasn't a perk, and that woman was most likely terrible to those lowly inklings, judging by how she treats her own, cartoonish kind.

Alice was a menace, not an angel. You had decided that long ago.

Which was why you were completely fine with getting rid of her. She was the only one you didn't feel sympathy for. When she was gone, maybe you could save some of those mislead searchers from Bendy's anger, and they could learn to get along with him.

They were shaded from truth, and that truth was the fact that the ink demon was not ruthless with everything anymore, and if you were there to introduce reasoning, he would listen.

Peace could be made here, and you could provide it. 

But first, you were off to find that devil in disguise.

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