Chapter 57- Walking with angels

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'Heartache...I've felt it more than once...'

'Boris, what happened to you? This is where you've been all these years? If only I'd known...You used to be so energetic and lively, my friend. Now look at you. You're just like me. Lashing out in opposition to me just makes the pain worse, knowing what I know and what I must do to prevail another day. The things you have suffered; mine do not compare.'

I could feel dread hanging above me, and my form faltered. It felt like a blanket of chainmail was draped over me, weighing me down, and I focused solely on what remained of my kind-hearted confident. We used to count the days away, you and I.

'It's a sin in itself that we have to meet again this way...'

It was quiet again. You definitely hated it, although it wasn't completely silent. The farther into Alice's safehouse you walked, the more the scenery began to change, and the walls were now cold metal. It looked like you were inside of a clock, with gears and bolts being exposed on the walls and turning with a few sharp noises here and there.

At least this way, you didn't have to listen to your own thoughts, and could instead focus on the clanking of the mechanical parts rather than starting a conversation with your scrambled mind. The angel wasn't even speaking over the intercom anymore, which told you that she probably left it and knew that you had gotten in.

"Holy shit-"

A loud hissing of the pipes imbedded in the walls caught you off guard, and you quickly calmed yourself and dismissed it. The pipes were old, and internal gasses were able to escape the bolted areas where they were connected to one another.

It wasn't a good idea to be loud, so your reaction had been a mix of an actual protest, and a hoarse whisper. At least it wasn't something actually dangerous.

"Stupid machine." You muttered under your breath, shaking your head irritably.

You moved your gaze up ahead of you, and there was another cutout of Alice sitting there, against the wall. Her appearance was quite friendly in that cutout form, but you knew what was really hiding under that. Some part of you wished that you could travel into the past, and tell everyone about who she really was and what she would become. The look on her face if you were to ruin her reputation even earlier than it had originally made you internally grin from ear to ear. If only it were possible.

But it's impossible to relive the past...That would be crazy though, if this was all just one big chunk of reality stuck on repeat, like some sort of time loop.

The hallway made a sudden right turn, and you followed it without objection. It was only a few more steps before you made it to the end of the hallway, and into a much bigger room. The floor was cut off a few feet away, and in its place was a huge flooding of ink, quite like level 14. Wooden boards bridged across the flooded area, and over to another metal door across the room from you.

That wasn't what stopped you in your tracks though, and made your breath get caught in your throat. It was what inhabited this room that made you freeze up.

Corpses. A lot of them. Dead butcher gang members strapped onto surgical tables that stuck out of the inky water like buoys, their eyes lifeless and gray. Some of them were suspended from the ceiling, hanging like a ghost over you and many of the other decaying bodies.

Many of these poor victims were other versions of Boris. It was sickening to see one so close to you, it's chest ripped open like the others, stationed on the platform you stood on and only about three feet away from you.

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