Chapter 23- The brutal picture

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For once in 30 years, there was a swelling of regret residing in his form. Nothing in the way he stood, or the way his face contorted with both guilt and denial, was false.

He remembered that day...He remembered...

Who knows how long ago it was. Bendy had lost track some time ago, but he closed his ink- covered eyes and relived the thrilling chase in his mind.

As much as he would never admit to (y/n), he had enjoyed it. It was always amusing to tear people apart with fear; chasing those unfortunate enough to enter the building made his grin widen with terror and insanity, and it only grew with every victim. He remembered the bliss he had felt when he chased after the middle-aged man. He had grown rather close to that man before...before being abandoned.

That man...was (y/n)'s beloved father...

The ink demon frowned at the thought, but continued to revel in the memory regardless.


The studio was as it always had been, old and rotting with ink everywhere you stepped... Except...there was something there that made the evening much more interesting.

The ink demon gazed through the eyes of the cutouts, and he found the man standing beside the cutout, looking at it with a pained expression. Having the human this close to the cutout startled the demon at first. He hadn't expected him to be right there when he phased into the cardboard cutout's perspective.

Bendy looked at him through the black eyes of the cutout. Why did he look sad? He had left like everyone else, and he wasn't any better than the creator of the whole damn company!

The man wandered off and did as the others tried to do; collecting the items and turning on the ink machine, so typical and boring to watch.

The moment Bendy actually made his debut and appeared behind the wood to drag the man into his casket, he got a perfect view of his terror-filled face. His dark hair was sprawled carelessly over his forehead, and his eyes would never rest upon anything the same way, for he had seen worse than hell itself in front of him.

Bendy had loved that look...he desired that look from people.

The toon swung his hand out and tried to grab him, only to unintentionally knock him into the wall behind him.

It took a second, but the human snapped out of his horrified trance and scraped himself upright after being knocked backwards with the toons claws. He watched the feeble man run for his life, following with the same, iconic smile he had learned to wear for all eternity.

Deep down, he knew that there was more to their relationship...It wasn't always prey and predator.

This man had been kind to him, and one of the demon's favorite people to spend time with in the studio, other than Henry. He hadn't been an animator, like most would assume. He had worked under the watchful, vigilant eyes of Sammy Lawrence. He worked in the orchestra, and Bendy would always be there to listen to him play the piano during rehearsals.

Such lovely memories of the two of them...but he didn't think so fondly of them anymore.

He couldn't dwell on that now. The ink demon never allowed himself to get deterred or distracted. He wanted this man to pay the price for leaving him for dead.

Bendy quickly bolted to catch up to the man, and his grin widened as he backed his helpless victim into a dead end. There wasn't a thought about who this man was outside of work, or who he came home to when the day was over. He wanted him dead...cold and lifeless like his withered, black heart.

"S-Stay back you monster!!"

Oh, how naive...The pathetic little human wants mercy...

Seems that I have run out of that~

Bendy raised his claws, glaring strait down into the man's soul though his eyes. He could see everything in them; every memory he had cherished in life flashed through his irises one by one, like an old reel playing in a projector.

The inky beasts shadow cast on the wall behind him in the dim light, and the studio itself seemed to shudder as his silhouette pierced and tore through a now lifeless body. Blood coated the demon's claws, and most of it had smeared across the wall, marking the wood as his grave.

"I thought I knew you..." Bendy growled, bringing the corpse closer to his face.

"Why did I think you were different?"

-End of Flashback-

Like that...It was over...

But Bendy wasn't satisfied with just one kill. He went on and killed all who entered before and after that man. Looking back on it now...suddenly he didn't feel content with his actions.

He didn't really care about most of those workers, but your genuine concern for your father made him regret creating such an awful situation to explain to you.

"Bendy? Are you okay?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at you, quickly opening his mouth as he spoke without giving his words a second thought.

"I-I'm not certain about what could have happened to your father." He stammered, his ink flowing from his body in a more liquified state than usual, creating a visually nervous impression.

Your face fell...He really didn't know anything?

Letting out a small sigh, you dropped the conversation after confirming that you weren't getting anything else out of him. He had completely turned away after answering, which was a little weird, but you brushed it off. "Well, okay then...I was thinking maybe you'd know something." You replied sadly, glancing down at the book still in your hand.

You were so naive...He almost felt sorry about lying. There was no way he was telling you that he had killed your father after forming a relationship with you. Bendy grew saddened at the thought of losing you because of the truth.

Bendy glanced down at you as he remained turned away, averting his eyes to the book in your hand. Those torn out pages...He had torn them out. After killing your dad, he was still so full of hatred. He couldn't help but destroy all that was left of one of his only friends. Your father had been one of the closest people to the toon, and after being abandoned, he felt so destroyed and neglected.

He let the anger take control, and the remaining remnants of that book were the result.

I'm not telling her...and I never will...

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