Chapter 1- Peace doesn't wait for me

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THIS BOOK DOES NOT FOLLOW THE GAME'S STORYLINE (that much), also the beginning is depressing, but it will get better.

It was a wonderful day outside. The birds were chirping, and everything seemed as if peace was the only thing that anyone had ever known. The sky looked as if it held all the dreams of the people, waiting for the perfect moment to send their wildest dreams soaring off into the clouds. Well, that's not what (y/n) thought anyway. The world wasn't at all the same through her eyes as she walked along the crooked sidewalk. A few jagged edges came about here and there, looking as if they were purposely trying to trip the uneasy girl. The fact that she was wearing sandals didn't help her all that much, but she tried her best to ignore the jagged ridges of concrete. 

She would've been happy to admit that the weather was indeed very wonderful, that is, if her mind wasn't clouded with all the problems that had risen when she graduated. (y/n) had always had trouble when it came to finding a good job, and she wasn't doing all that great with finances. Her father had passed away a year before she finished school, so he was never there for her as she grew up, even though there were days when she needed him ever so desperately. He had helped her find one job when he was still alive, and it was a job at an animation studio. 

(y/n) had absolutely loved the place, and that is why her father didn't give up until she got the job. A man named Joey Drew had run the building, but one day, something snapped in the man's head, and suddenly all of the employees were forced to leave for good. It wasn't much better for her when depression came along and stabbed her in the back.

Even with all the problems going on in the girls life, she somehow managed to find a way out of it all, whether it was a sin or not. At this point, she was willing to commit sin after sin, if it meant she would get even a few seconds of peace. Weather it was alcohol, self abuse, and anything else her aching mind could think of to get rid of the problems. Eventually, her mind became so full of grief, that she never even tried to feel any other way. (y/n) completely let go of all other feelings, her heart falling apart due to her sinful nature. 

The poor girl thought that she was the only person to ever be slapped in the face with this much sorrow, but (y/n) unfortunately wasn't the only one. Across town, there was indeed another troubled being, but unlike (y/n), his sins could not be forgiven. In the old animation studio that (y/n) had worked at before her graduation, something lurked through the darkness. Its heart was black, its slow and steady beats forever a dreadful reminder of all the heartless things it had done in its past. The building itself looked as if it had been lifted right out of hell. It had been abandoned some time ago, the once happy cartoon creations now drowned in ink...and only the monsters remained. 

Despite all of the horrors replaying inside the girls head, she continued to walk, slowing her pace as she came across a run down cafe. Hesitating, she walked through the glass doors, hoping to find anything that would rid her of her worries for at least a few minutes. Walking up to the counter, a slender woman walked up to her from the other side of the desk. The woman had on a long white apron, but there were a few stains here and there across the fabric. 

"Good evening ma'am. Is there anything that I can get you?" The woman spoke with a cheery tone of voice, however the girl she was speaking too, wasn't near as enthusiastic. "Can I get a blueberry muffin please?" (y/n)'s voice was hoarse and dry, but upon clearing her throat, it improved a bit. The woman turned, grabbing a pair of transparent gloves. She opened a clear cabinet, pulling out a blueberry muffin and placing it in a paper bag. The employee turned back around and set the bag on the counter. "Your total is $1.50 ma'am." (y/n) stuck a hand in her pocket, pulling two dollar bills out and handing them to the woman. After receiving her change and taking her muffin, she went to find a seat, but soon changed her mind due to the few people that she didn't want to risk having to interact with. Not having much of an option, she decided to eat her muffin while she walked down the street. 

The loud screeching and honking of cars did not in any way help with her stress problem. She finished her muffin, looking down at the ground. (y/n) had absolutely no idea where she was going, but after a while of walking seemingly nowhere, she stopped.

She had walked through to the other side of the small town without even realising it.

Ahead of her, in the bright rays of sun, was the old animation studio that she had loved so dearly. For the first time in years, a small smile formed on her lips. Her worries flooded out of her head as she walked towards the studio, memories of all the fun she had as an animator coming back to her. Unfortunately, within those walls, a demon beyond her worst nightmares longingly awaited her return.

Bendy X Reader- River Of SinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz