Chapter 31- A dangerous crime scene

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"Connor! The fuck are you doing?!"

"Re-lax, Will! I'm just lookin' around...You're so aggressive!"

The two cops, better known as officer Williams, and officer Connor, spent quite a while scrounging around the first level of the studio. They hoped to find any sign of where you had ended up in this massive building.

So far, there wasn't much...but this was only the beginning; they didn't seem to realise that yet. Their lives were about to come face to face with the true meaning of evil and deceiving. Every ounce of training they had received in the workforce would be their only aid to the wild ride that is the studio. 

"I thought I told you not to call me that." Williams growled at his companion, glaring at him as he walked past to examine the writing on the wall. "Dreams come true", is what it said, splattered on the wood in dried ink.

"I know...but when do I ever listen to you?" Connor snipped back at him, grinning to himself as he was fully aware that his words would irritate the other man. He hunched down to pick up an old reel sitting up against the chair on the floor; the chair that the projector sat on. Turning it over in his hands, he raised a brow upon realizing that there was no title written on the reel.

"Hey! Come take a look at this!" Williams yelled from down the hall, his voice faint, but still audible enough for Connor to hear in the dead silence. The man quickly set the blank reel back on the floor, before turning and making his way past the writing and down the hallway. There were a few doors he spotted as he walked down to his associate, but he stopped at none of them and focused his attention on one thing at a time. 

He had quickly learned something about curiosity while searching the top floor of this creepy place, and it was that this great urge to explore and figure out the past behind the studio could easily get you lost. He didn't need to see it to know that this old building was a lot bigger than what they had come across so far.

Connor turned right at the end of the hall and almost tripped over the large pipe crossing over the floor. He had to stop himself at the very last second in order to step over it and continue.

As he turned the corner and saw Williams standing there with his back turned to him, he grew confused as he was simply standing there, completely motionless. "Will? You ok?" Connor asked, placing a hand on his shoulder as he stepped beside him.

"How fucked do you think we are?" Williams asked suddenly, his face blank and his eyes wide as he stared at something in front of him.

"W-What?" Connor stuttered, confused and concerned about his companion after hearing something like that come out of his mouth. He knew that his coworker usually overemphasized every situation the two had ended up in, but this time, he seemed genuine.

Looking in front of him and observing what WIlliams was looking at, his eyes also went wide.

In front of them, was a gargantuan machine, with pounds and pounds of ink flowing out of it and into a dark pit it hung above. That, however, wasn't what the cops were concerned about.

Blocking the entrance to this ink machine, were dozens of splintered, wooden boards. They looked like they were originally nailed to the entrance to keep someone out, but they were completely ripped apart. The boards that were still somewhat intact only heightened their fear of what could be lurking deeper inside the disturbing structure they wandered carelessly.

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