Chapter 34- Look a little closer

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"Where the hell did you say we should go?"

"I'm not sure...I could have sworn that there was a hallway back there."

The officers were confused with the studio as they tried to traverse it. Hallways that seemed to lead one way, turned out to be a corridor leading to an entirely different one just moments after turning their backs away from it. It was extremely disorenting. Nothing was as it seemed to be, and it slowly took its toll on their mental state. Objects moving without their knowledge, specifically the cutouts, and reappearing in front of them when they were sure that they had just seen it mere seconds before.

They weren't sure if it was their minds playing tricks on them, or if this animation studio really was a cursed and demonic abode.

The two of them had followed the blood trail for about half an hour, stopping at sudden noises and disturbances throughout their uneasy walking. It was like a game of hide and seek, and in their panicked and fearful minds, it was only a matter of time before they ran face to face with the "monstrocity" from the ground floor. Williams dreaded that moment, and his sanity was making the possibility of ever seeing the light of day again very questionable.

"This studio is toying with us! We both know it Connor! I've already lost it; hallways disappearing in the blink of an eye, a-and this constant feeling of disquietude...I don't feel like my life is even mine anymore!!"

As odd as it was, Connor felt the same way. He didn't feel as though the course of his life was in his control anymore. It felt like his fate had been permanently sealed the moment he walked in through the front entrance.

Although, he wasn't having both a panic attack and a mental breakdown right here, in front of his co-worker. Williams didn't seem to care at all about his impression toward anything or anyone around him. Connor always thought about how his appearance would affect threats, and bottling his fear deep inside had always made him come off as more intimidating.

Of course, he should have taken more time to consider the fact that this possible threat was almost nine feet tall. It had to have been, with the blood on the wall they found earlier being that high up. Yeah...his method of intimidation probably wouldn't work.

"Will you stop screaming about all of this? You'll only draw attention to us, and who knows what's down here."

Connor let out a huff, frowning as he felt his hand brush over the holster of his belt. He couldn't help but notice how instinctual it was for him to reach down and grab for it, and he'd had to stop himself at least eight times since they found the blood trail.

It wasn't at all comforting, finding that even his instincts had resorted to the weapon settled in the leather pouch. It was like a wave of reality had hit him in the face, and he was reminded that the gun was the only thing he had left to defend himself with.

Williams remained quiet after that, and Connor took the lead as they carried on. Anything that appeared to have been different than it was moments ago, he simply ignored now. He wasn't going to let his own second guessing get to him, not after having to think about whether he was even really seeing those hallways or not.

It had been...oddly quiet. The man had expected to run into something by now, but it was desolate.

The amount of blood the trail provided slowly became less and less, and Connor stopped in his tracks and felt his eyes widen with bewilderment. He had remained silent as he skidded to a sudden halt, and an unsuspecting Williams walked right into him, completely unaware that he had stopped.

"Hey...Watch it Will..." Connor scolded him, his voice rather slow as he slurred out the words. The manner in which he spoke made it seem as if he was an artificial intelligence, like he hadn't ever spoken english in his life and was struggling to figure out the meaning behind the sounds he was making.

Williams carelessly let the demeanor change in his companion slip right past his mind, and he backed away from Connor, slightly startled with the impact.

This place was only getting more and more incomprehensive. The blood trail led right here, but it came to a sudden turn and stopped at the base of the wall beside them, in the middle of the hallway. Unlike the massacre they had examined back near the entrance, the blood was not splattered over this wall, it was only on the floor.

"What?" Connor breathed, utterly puzzled with this new information.

If there had been anything on the wall in the first place, he wouldn't have been able to tell with all the ink covering the wood, creating a huge, dark mound in that spot. The pipes lining the ceiling above them had probably burst at some point, and the mess had never gotten cleaned up because of the studio's abandonment.

"That makes no sense. How can the blood lead here, it's just a fucking wall..."

"Maybe this thing is trying to bait us." Williams said casually, throwing Connor off guard as he hung his body low, slumping while he stood beside him.

"Why are you so calm all of the sudden?" He asked, raising a brow at Will. The man had been having a panic attack just minutes ago, and now it was like nothing had happened.

"I've accepted the fact that I'm going to die today." Williams huffed, both disappointed with his fate and bored with Connor's findings. He had wanted to find the girl, sure, but he wasn't much of a "perseverance and triumph" kinda guy. Once the bad news became evident enough, and he knew there was no way out of this, he just stopped caring.

"Oh shut up Will. Your pathetic moping isn't gonna do shit." Connor snipped, rolling his eyes. He turned away from the wall and dismissed the scene completely. There was nothing for him to trace there, no clues as to where the girl had ended up. Their best bet was to just keep walking.

The two left the area, but as they walked, neither of them realized that they had missed something literally right there on the wall. The entire building was flooding with ink; it dripped along the walls and bled through the wooden floorboards like it wasn't an issue, but the assumption that every wall that looked like that was ordinary?... Now that was an assumption you didn't want to trust down here.

They had thought nothing of it, as the building reeked of ink anyways, but all of that ink had completely hidden the outline of the door that stood there, and the black letters above it that read, "Lounge."

It wasn't a pipe that caused the doorway to become blocked, let's just put it that way. Connor hadn't thought about how different the ink actually looked sitting there in a consistency like that. It didn't normally look like that.

Who would have thought...They might have traced everything in that moment, if only they had looked a little closer.

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