Chapter 17- Odd whereabouts

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Deep in an unknown area of the studio...

The dark was so welcoming now. It calls out to me like there is no one better to give me a purpose down here then the black shadows themselves. It was impossible to ignore, but I praised the moments where I felt like I belonged because of it. It kept me waiting with hope, that maybe one day I would realize what it was trying to tell me.

What was I doing wrong? I don't understand...

I can't even recall how many days I've spent asking myself things like this.

What year is it again?

Why did I even bother trying to remember such pointless things. No one cares about time down here. It is almost nonexistent, and all of the Bendy clocks have been deemed useless for years now.

They hang without purpose, just like myself...

I pray for that to change, every moment I have is spent worshiping and preaching the word of our only source of salvation.

The demon...

Will he ever hear me?

The studio gave me silence in response, and I felt my hope die down for the time being. Whenever I get the chance to witness my savior bless me with his presence, my hope flourishes.

I guess today he wasn't on the hunt. I haven't seen him once today.

You may have known me long ago...I used to be a very well known individual. It was more than that when it came down to it, however.

I had everything I wanted, a career that involved my favorite hobby, and looks that would stop anyone in their tracks. There was never a moment of peace in this studio, and even today it still stays true to that fact.

My job was the only thing that brought me even the slightest bit of pleasure, and now I was bound here for all eternity.

Sammy Lawrence is the name...Although I don't feel like I deserve that name now. Mr. Lawrence was a respectable man with an astounding taste in music. Now he's the broken and psychotic prophet thinking to himself right now.

I should just stop...These thoughts get me down, and I don't need any more despair in my life right now.

The dark was my friend, as well as a guide of sorts. Today it lurked somewhere different, and it was unusual to find that my lord and savior was nowhere to be seen either. Odd...what exactly was going on today? Or night...whatever time of day it was up there.

The hallways were empty, nothing but candles and cutouts lined up on the floor. They meant much more to me than any other creature here. They presented me with the face of truth and hope, as they shoved the image of the ink demon into my mind constantly.

I don't know what has gotten into the studio today, but surely the demon was just fine where he was.

"Why should I worry?" I said aloud to myself. "M'Lord is just as he should be, and no change in demeanor from the studio will alter that."

Reassuring myself aloud gave me a smile. I really am surprised that I even know how to smile anymore. Time eats away at you, little by little.

My eyes wandered over the dusty floorboards, trailing to the space in front of me. An elevator? How interesting...I hadn't ever really taken the time to use this elevator, and I eventually forgot that it resides here.

Why not use it? I'll just see where it goes...

These old and rickety metal doors closed upon my entry with an ear-piercing screech. It wasn't surprising how much they had rusted. Inside the elevator was a panel with multiple different buttons, and for the strangest reason the button labeled, "K", caught my eye.

I went with my instincts and pressed it, leaning back against the wall behind me as it lead me into the unknown.

Sure, my department is probably on this level, but I always took the stairs. I didn't trust this kind of technology back then, and even now I'm still quite wary of it.

Then again, I don't have much to loose nowadays, do I?

I thought no...and if you had thought otherwise, think again.

The elevator came to a slow halt at what I assumed was level K. It didn't look too much different from the other levels, but it certainly gave off a different feel. This area seemed more pleasant for some odd reason...Is this floor holding the source of the odd occurrence with the studio?

It honestly could have been, but I was already venturing through the halls before I confirmed that.

The pleasant aura wasn't the only thing I could feel in the atmosphere. The ink demon was up here as well...That I can definitely feel. Most creatures would give me the title of "coward" when compared with the ink demon, and as much as they believe it to be true, I would say otherwise.

Over the years, I had developed a strange ability to sense the demon's presence when within a certain distance from him. It wasn't a close proximity thing, which was more than ok with me.

I wasn't about to turn a corner and run right into him. I would end up apologizing for days.

Regarding my little "talent", I always knew when to turn back the way I came and avoid irritating my savior. The other creatures saw that as cowardly, and thus the pathetic title was given to me by the others.

I will never agree with it...It's called being smart! It's not like they would understand what that meant though.

My mind suddenly stopped thinking at all, and I ended up stopping in my tracks as I heard a faint sound from another hallway.

What an idiotic move...making noise leads you to your death...

I heard the noise repeat, and scurried off in the direction of the sound. I wasn't going to get too close, I just wanted to know who had signed their death note.

As I got closer to the source of the sound, I was suddenly confused as to why the sound was even being made.

It sounded like...laughter?

Why are they laughing?

I neared the end of the hallway, where the only way to go was around the corner, and that's when I saw it. I peeked my head around the corner, and I saw something I thought I'd never see in a million more years to come.

The ink demon was standing in the next hallway with the most genuine smile the prophet had ever seen.

That was a sight to see...

I had never in my life seen the ink demon in a more happy state. It was remarkable how he was able to stand there with a smile so pure, after what he had gone through.

Now...the real question arose...

Why was he so happy?

I observed the scene before me, and beside the demon stood a girl. She looked rather normal to me, just an ordinary individual. There were so many things about this scene that I couldn't understand.

The demon was smiling down at this...girl. There was no obvious answer as to why he was doing so, or why he even kept her alive.

I wasn't about to intervene, I would most likely be dead if I did that.

I adjusted my mask and slowly backed away, thinking that maybe I had gotten a little too close... I felt my face drop as the floorboards creaked from under my boot, and I was suddenly met with the stern gaze of the demon, as well as a confused one from the girl.


With both individuals staring at me, I casually gave the girl a small wave, to which she replied with a loud, fearful scream. I immediately covered my ears and staggered back some more, M'lord's glare suddenly turning even colder as he went to comfort the girl.

I absolutely dreaded the look the demon gave me, but I can't exactly say that I've been able to keep my charms, now can I?

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