Chapter 41- The cursed touch of ink

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I have the plot of this entire story figured out finally. hehe. Get ready for a lot of shit happening. >:)

What can I say? I had an epiphany.


"Soooo...Care to explain all of that now?" You inquired, the ominous re-appearance of Norman still being the center of your curiosity. It still made no sense to you that he was alive. Although you needed to brush it off earlier, you couldn't help but feel a desire to know more about the situation. Norman had seemed totally unresponsive to the fact that he was back from the dead.

"Oh, right." Bendy suddenly remembered that you had wondered about that earlier, and kept a steady pace beside you as the two of you slowly made your way back out to the haunted house.

"It's actually a pretty long story, but I suppose I can't just skip the beginning." He kept his gaze ahead of him, his smile nowhere to be seem on his features. You could tell that something was troubling him now.

He sighed quietly to himself. "It all started with...him." The demon spat, the person he was referring to being Joey. The creator of this entire mess you walked through in that moment. A complete failure of a man; a pathetic waste of space and flesh.

"When I was brought into this world, I knew immediately that something was terribly wrong with that man. He was kind to me at first, and I was rather thrilled to be the center of the stage, with my image plastered all about the studio. I thought that maybe the man was just overworking and sleep deprived, but as the days went by, and I had gotten used to life in the spotlight, he began to treat me like a mistake. Nothing more than a piece of paper on the floor, and I didn't understand why; I had never asked  to become anything more than a drawing."

He paused for a moment, and his distress was much clearer than before. The toon had never requested to be brought into the 3D world, yet Joey had acted as though it was Bendy's fault for being there, and having so many "flaws."

You frowned as the ink demon stopped walking, and his posture grew rigid and cold.

"I was forbidden to wander the studio after the work day ended, and I learned to entertain myself during those long, boring hours with the cutouts. I looked through their eyes and watched people carry on with their work when I wasn't performing, and before I knew it, I was the first of three beloved characters to be mistreated."

"Joey came to me one evening after closing down the workshop for the night, and despite his remorse towards me, he gave me something I realised I could never live without..."

You stood attentively and silently waited for him to continue, but he seemed to get choked up about the next part of his saddening history. His head lowered, and you didn't rush him. 

"Take your time, love. I know it's hard to talk about things that hurt." You told him calmly, giving him a concerned yet patient look. You knew a thing or two about sharing something like this. You had done it yourself on level 14, and Bendy had been all ears while you poured your heart out. Now it was your turn to acknowledge the pain he carried. 

"He gave me a friend..."

Bendy explained everything. He told you about Boris, and how much the wolf meant to him while he was verbally, and sometimes even physically abused. The demon had been treated the worst out of any of them, even when Alice Angel was later brought into the world as well, and walked amongst him and Boris. Joey was heartless...That's all you could describe him as while Bendy went on and on about the downfall of the studio, and how the creator had gone completely mad with false beliefs.

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