Chapter 59- Fate can be a choice

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The world was a blinding white, so pure and void of any other shade in the color spectrum. It was impossible to tell where you were with the gradual change of scenery. You opened your eyes, gazing around you and finding yourself confused.

'What happened to me? Where am I?'

You instantly thought back to Alice and panicked at the thought of everything you had left behind. So many memories of the events you had suffered and prevailed flashed across your mind, yet none of it seemed to be a sign as to how or why you had ended up here, in this endless stretch of...white...

All of those whom you'd met since arriving at the studio; they were the blink of an eye.

'Am I dead?!'

You looked down at yourself, your eyes going wide with both shock, and slight fear. Your body was faintly transparent, and you could see the shining white of the ground right through yourself as though you were a window pane.

"What the fu-"

"I know, It's weird right?"

A male voice, bold and sudden, ripped you from your current state. You whipped your head to your left, and in the white expanse stood a man, probably only about a few feet away from you. He was also slightly transparent, although the discovery didn't seem to phase him quite as much.

"Who...Who are you?"

The man gave you a warm smile, his hands in the pockets of his brown dress pants. To complement the color of the pants, he wore a simple white button-up with suspenders. He looked like he'd just gotten ready to go to work, but obviously took a slight detour, considering his circumstances.

His dark hair was combed neatly in a side-parted style, with tiny strands hanging over his face each time he moved his head. With that, he had his eyes focused on you, and you couldn't help but feel oddly comforted by his friendly look.

"I'm like you, (Y/n)." He said sadly, although his smile never faltered. "Dead as dust, but I've been here for much longer than you. Oh, and you'll get used to the transparency." He chuckled lightly at that.

You were still pretty confused, but now you knew for sure that you were dead. Had Alice really killed you? You felt like it should have been more agonizing at least, but it turned out to be pretty peaceful once the reality set in, and the pain had blurred your senses too much to feel it anymore.

"How do you know my name? I've never met you before."

"Of course you haven't." The man replied, pulling a hand out of his pocket and gesturing to himself.

"My name is Henry. Henry Stein."

He looked to have an expression of immense solace, and it was surprising to see someone so calm in a place so empty and unsettling. You recognized the name, although you couldn't recall ever meeting Henry in person before.

"Were you one of the animators that worked here?"

He raised a brow, and still his smile hadn't faded. "Here? We aren't in the studio anymore, (Y/n)."

"I'm here to explain things to you, as I'm sure you're confused. But yes, I was an animator in the studio; the story is a lot more complicated than that."

You carried a concerned look on your face, and suddenly you felt bad for Henry. He said he'd been here for a long time, and you couldn't imagine having to stay in here for any longer than you had already done. That would be unbearable.

Henry came up and stopped in front of you, his height exceeding yours by a few inches. "My life was only a part of the big picture. I continued to give throughout my years, even when everyone around me only stopped to take my work and TAKE my effort. The studio was just a fraction of what they took, as Joey's success had only been my work under a new name. He was undeserving, but I never objected...Joey was a friend to me before he became this way, and a business partner of mine."

Bendy X Reader- River Of SinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon