Chapter 7- A new life

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You sat in the corner of the small bedroom, tears slowly making their way down your face. There was only pain, and the only solution to rid yourself of that pain, was to sit there and hope that it wouldn't last much longer.

It had been a couple hours since he had smacked you, but your head still hurt like hell. If that blow to the head had been any stronger, Bendy might have actually cracked your skull.

As you sat there holding onto your head, you heard a small grumbling noise from the demon in the other room. The cartoon was most likely getting irritated with how emotional you were, but that wasn't your main concern. You didn't have a clue as to how you were supposed to get used to Bendy, if you would even be brave enough to keep yourself around him. He had basically asked you to keep him company, and in return he would keep you alive. If that was your "job", then you were sure to be fired very quickly.

Confidence wasn't a very good attribute in your case,  and neither was bravery, So it was very easy to imagine how surprised Bendy was when you suddenly got up and walked back out of the bedroom. Although he hadn't expected you to come out after that, he didn't show any amount of surprise on his ink-covered face. 

You looked down at the wood floor, wiping a few stray tears off of your cheeks. Bendy watched you out of the corner of his eye, slowly making his way past the couch, and over to the door that opened up to the rest of the sudio. The demon turned his head in your direction, looking down at your face as you hesitantly looked back up at him with an obvious fear in your eyes.

"Stay in the lounge at all times...I will bring you what you need to stay alive, as long as you obey my rule. Disobeying me will not be treated kindly." Bendy spoke to you after a moment of silence, his voice sending an unwanted shiver up your spine. "As for the lounge itself, you may look around if you wish." You listened to his words, glancing across the room for a moment before returning your gaze to where the demon once stood. Looking at the door, you noticed that a huge mound of ink was disappearing off of the door, most likely meaning that he had used the ink to travel through the door and leave the lounge.

This was your chance to get out of here......But what if Bendy found out! He probably knew the layout of the studio like the back of his hand, if he were to realize that you were gone, he would be able to figure out where you had run off to in a matter of seconds!

The more you thought about it, the more afraid you became. You let out a quiet sigh, struggling to pry your gaze from the door. Freedom was not an option, and you knew it would take a while for you to accept that.

 You slowly walked around the lounge, attempting to occupy yourself with pointless actions while you awaited the demon's return. He wasn't all that great to be around, but Bendy was only a fraction of what you were going to have to normalize. Living down here, with no way to get any of your stuff from in town, was definitely going to be hard. 

There wasn't much to explore in the lounge. The section of the studio contained about two small bedrooms, one of which being the one that no longer had a functional door on it. There was no way that you were sleeping in that room anymore, you didn't want the demon to be able to just waltz in whenever he wanted. You needed your privacy, mostly because you did not trust that cartoon one bit. Aside from the two bedrooms, there was also a small kitchen, and of course, the "living room". You had looked around for less than five minutes before getting bored.

Having nothing to do with yourself at the moment, you flopped down on the couch. What a horrible mistake that was.......The second your body hit the cushions, millions of dust particles were forced out of the furniture and into the air around you. You immediately inhaled the particles, sneezing multiple times from all the dust. It took some time, but eventually the dust cloud subsided, and you were able to breathe normally again.

While you sat there, you noticed the small Bendy plushie still sitting on the couch to your left. Taking it into your hands, you gave it a squeeze, smiling to yourself as it made an obnoxious squeaking noise in response to your actions.

At least this Bendy plushie wasn't scary....

You continued to play with the silly toy, being completely unaware of the demon's arrival. Bendy used his ink to melt through the door, immediately looking over at you. The couch was facing the opposite direction, so your back was turned towards him.

His unusually wide grin grew even bigger, as he slowly and quietly made his way towards you without gaining your attention. He heard a small squeaking sound, realizing that the plushie was what had distracted you in the first place. Bendy didn't really care that you were playing with it, at least you weren't crying in the corner anymore.

How that plushie was so distracting, Bendy had no idea, but he had stood right behind you for almost three minutes and you still hadn't noticed.

This was just too easy for him...

As you went to squeeze the plush again, you heard something grip onto the back of the couch, and it was coming from behind you. You froze, slowly turning your head back to see what had caused the noise. Your fear rose up extremely fast, you hadn't heard the demon come in, so it couldn't have been Bendy.............Or could it?

Looking behind you, your gaze was instantly met with the devilish cartoon, who was standing inches away from you with a huge smile on his face.


You shrieked, falling backwards off of the couch. You were completely breathless, laying on the floor while Bendy laughed at your reaction. Sitting up on the wood floor, you looked up at the demon with wide eyes. "D-Don't do that!" You yelled timidly, rising to your knees with the Bendy plush still in your hand.

"It's your fault for being so damn oblivious, sweetheart."

You frowned at the nickname, "Don't call me that..." The demon rolled his eyes at that, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well then,SWEETHEART, what would you have me call you?" He asked with a smirk. You hesitated at that, but you weren't exactly sure why. Lying to him would do you no good, so you decided to just be honest about it.

"(y/n)....." You answered after a moment, making a mental note in your head to ensure you didn't turn your back on him ever again. That had been a huge mistake, and you didn't want that to keep happening.

The both of you were dead silent for a few seconds, leaving you to assume that he was either saying your name over and over in his head, which would be strange, or he was debating on whether or not he was going to be a bitch and keep using nicknames.

"Mgh.....Alright, but you better get used to living down here, (y/n), cause you sure as HELL aren't leaving any time soon!"

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