chapter 53: Wait- Don't Worry

Start from the beginning

"W-What-?! But how-??"

"I hate to break it to you, but I think it had something to do with those wormholes, you kept making. I think they must have done something that could've overwhelmed the portals, which is probably why you passed out like that."

My right ear twitches, and my fluffy tail thumps against the mattress at the sound of my name.

"-can you say the same thing for the kidnapped bakugou?? What about the child you adopted-??
(l/n)-Aizawa, (f/n)??"

"The girl you trusted- and took in almost Immidiately without hesitation?? What if she's to blame??"

'They thought I was....kidnapped-??'

'Oh my god....Katsuki was kidnapped-?!?!'

I was shocked by sensei's solemn expression. I was used to it; yeah- but I assumed he'd be a little more upset.

"-And for bakugou. What if they kidnapped him because they had an eye on his-" I didn't want to hear anymore.

I latch onto his arm, gazing up into his eyes, holding a pleading look.

"I-If you really care about me- Help me save Katsuki!!!!"

"I-I'm sorry I almost killed you- But i need your help- I can't do this alone!!!"

He gapes down at me; his brows knitted together in shock. Tears brim my eyes.

"I-It was all my fault!!- I-If I hadn't snuck out- I-I could've protected him!!!"

He sighs, in defeat. "Okay, fine. Let's say we actually can get there fast enough- what are you gonna do if all for one is there?? And if your dad is really as strong as you say he is- how do you plan on beating him-??"

'I'm not ready to tell him what I plan on doing.'

'In fact, I'm not ready to tell anyone.'

'I'll have to lie...'

"My blood!! I-It can...uhh...MY BLOOD CAN KILL HIM!! Because I have special abilities that don't entirely involve my quirk- just my spiecies..." I chuckled anxiously. He stares down at me flashing a bitter gaze.

He purses his lips, before groaning. "All right fine, I'll help you. But don't say I didn't warn you." I throw my arms around his body before sobbing into his chest- my tail swishes, and my ears fall back against my head.

"Thank you!!! I swear you won't regret it-"

"I really hope not." He responds nervously; keeping his arms elevated. He lets out a pained huff, patting my head- "A-Alright can't breath here-
D-Damn you're strong-"

I pull my body back blushing bitterly- "S-Sorry!! I hope I didn't hurt you- U-Uhh, how's your wing??"

He flexes it nonchalantly before wincing. "Yeah, It's still healing-"
I gape; shocked, throwing my hands over my mouth, "Shit-!! You carried me all the way here-??"

He smiles sheepishly, "It's all good- I'm just glad you're okay." I smirk at that, "Really now?? I thought you said you didn't care about me."

He purses his lips, glancing away from me- slight embarrassment evident in his features. "No, I said I didn't care if you woke up."

"But technically that involves me- therefore you, care- about me." I quirk my eyebrows teasingly.

He decides to change the subject.
"So how are you planning on finding him if we don't actually know where he is??"

I tap my chin thoughtfully analysing his statement. My thought process was immidiately interrupted when I felt something brush against my shoulder. I glance back- but I was too late. All I saw was a blur of (h/c).

"Oh you're really asking for it-" I snarled. It's not long before I found myself scrambling in circles- trying to catch the blur of (h/c). It felt like the world around me just vanished.

"Get back here!!"

"I'll bite you!!"

"I see you- You can't run from me!!"

By the time I catch it- I glance back to find him holding his phone up- pointing it towards me.

"Hey!! Why are you pointing that thing at me-?!" I snarl, hugging my tail against my chest; my ears flattened against my head.

"Sorry. That moment was just too good to pass up. You sure you're a lycan, and not just a dog??" He sneered. I glared daggers at him.

"We can use my portals to get there-"

"You did say you've only just recently discovered how to do this, right? So far, it seems like we've only been placed you've physically seen long enough to remember them."

"So, you're saying I can't find him unless I can pin-point his exact location?? I guess that's true. But if I had his scent, I could follow the trail using just that. So where's my bag??"

He motions towards the floor. I grab my bag- sifting around, in search of the shirt Katsuki had lent me long ago; the day I died more specifically. I smirk, scrunching my brows together pridefully.

"Hell yeah!! I knew I wasn't going to regret taking this thing with me-"

"Why do you have that anyway??" He presses, evidently adgitated. I roll my eyes, my smirk widening-

"We've only known each other for a day, and you're already jelous?? I should call you spicy-wings-"

"I'm not jelous. I'm just curious." He purses his lips anxiously. I chuckled, elbowing him in the side- "Keep telling yourself that."

"Wait though; aren't those portals the reason you passed out earlier??" I hesitate before responding to that.

"Yeah I think so-" "Then we can't use that. Especially if it's gonna hurt you."

"W-Whaaaa-?! How the hell are we supposed to get there in time-?! They could kill him-"

"My wings healed just enough to keep me in the air when I jump- I'll get you there at high speed. And it'll be easier for you to track him when your outside."

"-Or you just want an excuse to hold me." I added, smirking deviously. He rolls his eyes, "Yeah- Whatever."

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