"How can you possibly drink that?", she scrunches her nose at the beverage.

"I think it's good", he shrugs, "I guess my tastebuds are more developed."

"You can obviously also hold your liquor", she says with widened eyes as he empties the glass while her's is still half full.

"What can I say?", he gives a smug smile, leaning into her a little bit.

Although he can very well hold his liquor, his cheeks are still flushed from drinking under the dim party lights. His eyes travel over her again, inquisitive and wanting to know more about the girl he's been crushing on for months even though she barely knew he existed.

"So how does it feel like to be the most popular k-pop idol in the world?", she grins as she sips on her drink.

"I don't know. You'd have to ask my band members", he merely shrugs and adjusts his prince's crown on top of his head, "How does it feel like to be the cutest actress in the world?"

"Oh be quiet", she shoves him lightly.

"No, I'm serious. What's it like?", he doesn't stop smiling at her.

"Acting?", she puckers her lips for a moment in thought, "Well, I've been in show business since I was young. Believe it or not I was in an idol group when I was thirteen."

"No way", he laughs heartily, imagining the young girl singing and dancing around.

"Yeah, but we disbanded later because it didn't take off", she quickly explains, "Then I became an exclusive model for Seventeen magazine at fifteen and finally got into acting two years later. I was really lucky to get the roles that I did... And yes, acting has really come to mean a lot to me."

Jimin admires the way she speaks so delicately about everything although she's flushing from the drinks she's been having. Her words are carefully chosen and her Korean seems impeccable for a foreigner.

"Your Korean's really good", he compliments her lowly, tracing his fingers over the countertop, but not letting his eyes leave her.

"Thank you", the pink in her cheeks intensifies, "I studied a lot in school, but Moon really got me back into it when I met her. What about your Japanese, Jimin?"

"My Japanese?", it catches him off guard, but he switches the language along with the tone of his voice, "How do you think my Japanese is?"

"It's cute", she giggles, covering her mouth as she does.

Continuing the conversation in Japanese, Jimin finds himself switching back to his native language every so often. After another drink, he goes back to Korean for good, which the sweet girl doesn't mind in the slightest. Their talk goes on for hours as guests start to depart from the venue, the place slowly clearing up.

With only a few people left and the caterers starting to clean in the early morning hours, the bright yellow lights are turned on in the building, disturbing the alluring vibe the dim lights were supplying. It's then that the two figures at the bar, that are speaking softly and tiredly at this point, hear a commotion happening behind them.

"Moonhae, let's go. You're completely shit-faced", Taehyung's low voice grumbles as he pulls the girl by her arm.

"Stop, I have to stay", she slurs into her messy wig sticking to her face, "I'm the host."

"Yeah, dude chill", Namjoon floats by them, holding onto the wall for support. When the two stoners make eye contact, they burst out laughing again.

"Moon-ah, please let's just go", Taehyung tugs at her once more.

"Let go, I'm fine", she now aggressively shoves him away, earning a few looks from the remaining guests.

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