chapter 52: Let's be friends. wait, who are you anyway?

Start from the beginning

I paw around the screen in search of my code. When I glance back at him, he's sort of flustered- a gentle hue of pink brushes over his features, I couldn't help, but wonder why. Still he types in my number, when I show it too him.

"So how are you holding up since...uh, you know-"

"Since I was pretty mych raped, muzzled, and called a dangerous animal, for trying to protect my friends?" I finished for him, with quirked eyebrows. He rubs his neck anxiously,

"Sorry about that by the way. I wasn't trying to be an ass-"

"-You were just doing your job." I interjected. "Y-Yeah, I know how that is. It's fine. Besides, I'm just a dumb animal. How I feel doesn't really matter. Nothing I do or say matters, because I'm pretty much worthless."

He looked like he wanted to protest, but he was interjected by the airport lady. Finally we made it to the front of the line, which is where I purchased the plane tickets for my long lost friend.

With the money I had left I could've gotten cigarettes, but- I wanted to prove to sensei I was better than that.

So on our way back to the next portal, before I changed- I pull the wad of cash out of my pocket with a sigh, and cram it into his. "Here. This should be enough to get you out of whatever shitty mess you got your insolent self into."

He looks back at me shocked. Shaking his head in disbelief, "This is.....You don't have to do this for me you know- I was, such an ass to you-"

"Oh I know. I was pretty harsh too though. I shouldn't have let myself snap like I did."

"I want to do it. Besides, I was probably just going to spend it on cigarettes anyway. I'm trying to be a good person, while I still have the chance. You know??"

"What's that supposed to mean??" He knitted his brows in confusion.

'I can't just tell him I'm gonna kill myself soon- should I just lie???'

'No. I'll just, brush off the truth- that's not lying.'

"Stop worrying and take it before I change my mind. I swear one minute your broke and the next your swimming in superhero money." I sigh, trying to smile, but failing. I'd rub back of my head sheepishly.

"I'll see you again though. Right??" He presses; a hint of concern definetely evident in his glossed, golden brown orbs. "Well duh. I go to a school in the heroes course dipshit."

He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "That's not what I'm talking about. You go to these things alot don't you?" He retorted pursing his lips.

"Yeah-Yeah. I get it. It's cliche for teenager to sneak out daily. I need breathing space sometimes."

I shuffle on my feet wearily before sighing. "But I mean, yeah I was sort of raised through street fighting. But that's not why I beat you today."

"Something's wrong with my quirk....ever since I...died."

"Its like my quirks just been...growing? Or maybe I'm inheriting abilities from my family. My brain changes when I get really mad now. It's like I can't think, or see or even breath right."

"At some point, I'm sure we'll bump into I've got some things I need to take care of, and those nomu are apart of it." He nods; relief etched into his features.

"So, how did you know what they were??"

I purse my lips anxiously before shrugging. I go to pull off my black tanktop, and his gaze hardens. "Eh?? I..I didn't mean--what are you doing?" He scratches his head in confusion.

After yanking the fabric over my head I reveal the markings on my body. After a quick trip to the bathroom he'd somehow managed to clean up his wings a little, but there were still fragments of my purple goop ball still hardened on the tips of his feathers. My ears twitched, as they abruptly shot up. I glanced back at him in slight confusion.

He scratches his cheek glancing away anxiously. "Nice tats, but uhh. What does that have to do with this??" I roll my eyes at that,
"Doesn't one of them look familiar bird-brain? Sheesh." He narrows his eyes, scanning my back cautiously.

"Wait--that's the mark from the Nomu's shoulder." I nodded profusely shrugging my tanktop back over my body. "Bingo. They're Lycan marks. These are marks we used to tell each other apart back at home--"

"There were once loads of us, and we were all divided because of how much we loathed one another, and craved power. These marks were laid waste though when my mother united us and blahblahblah, more boring stuff."

I pursed my lips anxiously, "My father's using the league. He probably has something to do with this. I really hope you're not involved with father is really dangerous." He chuckles at that. I could only assume he didn't completely believe me. I really hoped there was a piece of him that did though.

"If you are, I won't be upset....I just hope you aren't. He's going to kill them when he's done using them. That is if he's already killed their leader...." He knitted his brows in slight shock.

"You mean...all for one???"

That name. I knew It from somewhere. I don't know why, but- it's really hard to remember it.

"I'm not really sure if that's possible- but if he does, then i guess that's actually good." I flash a bitter glare, "Well that was unprecedented. No one deserves death you know...."

"But he, does. He's a sociopath- how do you not know about him already??"

"I don't know...I think I know something but-" I lace my fingers through my hair- anxiously gritting my teeth. "It's hard to remember anything.....come to think of it...."

"What were we doing here again??" My head was throbbing. But why??
Something weird was happening to my body....what was happening???

He places his hand on my shoulder, scrunching his brows, evidently concerned. "Hey, you okay?? You don't look so tight-"

Everything was spinning.

We needed to get through that portal, and we needed to do it asap. This was probably because I opened so many. And if they're still open, my quirk must be still in action.

"Yeah, let's just get back- I think I'm probably starting to feel those attacks from back in the ring."

"What attacks?? I barely fit in a punch- you know you could've warned me." He purses his lips.

"Warned you about what???"

"Who....who are you anyway??"

"Who am I??" I scrunch my brows together in confusion. Splotches of red slither into my vision- what was happening.

"Yeah; we need to get you back-"
He ushers me through the large, portal.

The galaxy comes at us at high speed. And suddenly we were back home. Accept, we weren't. We were, at the junkyard. Where was kenai??

"Woah. Wasn't expecting that, but okay." He checks the time on his phone, sighing in relief. "It's definetely the right day."

"We're back, but- you still look sick- is it your quirk???"

His voice just kept tuning in and out- it was like static.

"Uhh, (l/n) can you hear me???"

I glance down at my hands, shakily- black sludge trickles down my nose, things start spinning even faster by the second. I couldn't figure out how to respond. It's not long before black sludge starts oozing from my ears.

"Hello?? You're really starting to scare me now...."

I tried to respond. To let this strange man with wings know I was okay, but- the more I tried thinking, the more things just kept slipping from my mind.

"I think......"

"I think........?!-"

"I-I think.....?!"

My eyes roll to the back of my head- and I'm enveloped in a thick, heavy darkness. The last thing I remember was his glossed, golden brown orbs gazing down at me.

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