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kennedy's pov

"get down kennedy," mariano shouts and punches the guy that was holding me back. he tackled me to the floor so the second man who had his gun aimed at me would miss. 

mariano grabbed my gun and aimed it at him. "so who's gonna shoot who first?" he says to the second guy. "you're outnumbered and out weaponed. i would run." the two guys run off leaving me, mariano, mattia, and rafael's dead body. 

i sat there in shock, not processing what i just did. "i-i killed someone." 

mattia runs over to me and bends down, putting his hand on my shoulder. "are you okay?" i don't answer. 

"kennedy?" mariano shakes me lightly. 

"i killed someone," i repeat. tears immediately start falling down my cheeks as i cover my mouth to soften my cries. "oh my god what did i do?" i told myself that there no more limits for me anymore but this was harder than i thought. 

mattia gulps and looks over at rafael's dead body. "you saved my life okay? that's what you did-- you saved my life." 

"yeah kennedy," mariano agrees. "you did what you had to do. as soon as you aimed that gun at him you were going to die anyway. rafael would've killed you regardless." 

i sniffle and wipe my tears with the back of my hand. "i need to hide his body."

the three of us stand up. "w-we'll help you," mattia offers. 

i shake my head. "no, i don't want you guys to get involved in this." my voice was trembling.

mariano grabs my hand. "we're in this together okay? always." i hesitate for a little but then i nod slowly. 

"we should drive to like the woods nearby or something," mattia suggested. "mariano help me get h-his body." 

"right right." mariano lets go of my hand and the two boys walk over to rafael's body.

i head to the car that we used to drive here and open up the drunk. mattia and mariano grunt has the picked up the body and drop it in. 

"i'll drive," said mariano.

"i took my own car here," mattia told us. "i'll follow you guys." mariano and i and mattia part ways to go our car and we begin driving. 

after 20 minutes, we arrived the woods and parked near somewhere an open space. 

"where's mattia? he was right behind us." i look around but didn't see his car in sight. 

"i'm sure he'll be here soon, let's just get his body out the car first." mariano walks to the trunk and opens it. i help him carry rafael out and got his blood on my hands, making me gag a little. 

mattia's car was approaching in the distance and he parked right behind us. "sorry i went to go get gasoline, but i had some matches in my car. so we can you know..." 

"there aren't any houses over here for miles," mariano informed us. "i dont think anyone will see." 

"we can just say we had a bonfire or something." 

i stayed silent the entire time, feeling guilty over what i had just done. 

mattia opens the gasoline and pours it over rafael's body while mariano lights up the match. he takes a deep breath before dropping it on top of him and the flames quickly appeared everywhere. i didn't wanna inhale the scent of burning flesh so i went back into the car and the two boys did the same. 

"we should wait and make sure that his body actually disintegrates..." mariano whispers. they tried acting strong but i could tell they were just as scared as i was. the car was so quiet i could feel their bodies shaking. 

i was still too in shocked over what had happened that i could react anymore, i was just frozen with no emotions on my face. 

a little while later, we get out of the car to check on the body. it looked like most of it had disappear. 

"i'm gonna go try and dig a hole so we can... bury the bones," i mumble. i cant believe i had to say that. 

mattia's pov

deep down i was terrified, we're actually burying a body. i kick dirt onto the remaining fire so that it can be put out that way we can locate the bones. it took us a long time but we managed to bury all of them without burning ourselves from hot it was. 

"i have to get rid of the car," mariano told us. "there should be like a lake somewhere around here." 

"we'll help you push it in," i nod. i look over at kennedy who had dried tears on her face and dirt all over her hands. "it'll be okay, ken." she didn't look like she believed me-- i didn't even believe myself. 

i follow the car mariano was driving to a nearby lake the three of us try our best to push it in. it was pretty easy since he already drove it halfway into the lake, all we had to was make sure it rolls in. the car sinks slowly as the three of us stand there in silence. 

kennedy's house

"i'm gonna go shower," kennedy said as soon as get home. 

mariano and i watch her walk into the house while the both of stand on her driveway. 

"she needs you right now," mar said. "you should stay the night with her." 

"why not you? where are you gonna go?" i ask. 

"i just got a feeling you're the one who's gonna help her. i'm gonna back to my apartment," he tells me. "i'm come by tomorrow.. take care of her alright?" 

"yeah i will." 

he sighs. "i don't know she's gonna get over this man." 

"she'll have us," i nod. "she saved my life... i owe her everything. this wouldn't have happened if i just stayed home." 

"i would've done the same," he says. "there's nothing we can do about now-- rafael had it coming." 

"i don't think she sees it like that." i frown. 

"we still have two witnesses," he reminds me. "they're not as smart as rafael-- if they threaten us to the police, i'll do the same with the info i know about them." mariano pauses. "kennedy and i have seen plenty of dead bodies before but this is different. she's not... built for this. unlike rafael she feels remorse and guilt."

"we'll deal with this one day at a time," i say. "take care okay? burn your clothes when you get home."

he pats my shoulder lightly and gets into his car that he parked on the sidewalk. 

when i get to kennedy's room, i heard her crying in the bathroom as the water kept running. it should've been me who killed him.

a/n: i saw this post that said like why don't murderers bury a dead animal over a dead body? cause then if someone digs it up, they'll find the dead animal first and leave it alone cause it's disrespectful to dig up a dead dog's graved named Fluffy or Mochi. i thought they had a good point so just wanted to share LMFAOO


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