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kennedy's pov

"hey ken," kara says, walking from behind me. "is everything okay?"

"yeah i guess," i sigh. "uhm i saw mattia talking with you and reina earlier. what was that about?"

"oh nothing." she had uncertainty in her voice. "he was just asking why you don't wanna be around him anymore."

"what'd you tell him?" i ask.

"that it's not my business," she tells me, "but why are you avoiding him?"

i shrug. "i dont wanna deal with jennas crazy ass. too much drama."

"kennedy you'd never lie to me right?" kara cuts in.

"no..." i answer. it wasnt completely the truth but it was for her own good. "why? where did that come from?"

"just curious," she chuckles. "that's all."


throughout the entire day reina and kara were acting super weird but i had enough to deal with. mattia kept trying to talk to me but i ignore him as much as i could.

after school

"hey mamas," mariano greets and he pulls up.

"hey mar." i get into his car and fasten my seat belt.

"to the hospital right?" he double checks.

i nod and we drive off.

my mom was super happy to see mar, she's always liked him. i watched the both of them catch up until i get a text.

text from mattia

mattia: talk to me.
kennedy: i'm seriously gonna block you. how many time do i have to say it?
mattia: something's up with you. stop lying to me.
kennedy: i'm not lying about anything.
mattia: cap.
kennedy: blocked.

it was so difficult to treat him this way but the way he constantly tried to be in my life was a little bit weird. maybe he is spying on me for rafael. why else he try this hard?

a couple hours later, mariano took me home where i saw a bunch of cars parked outside my house. they were reina, kara, and mattia's.

"you've gotta be kidding me," i sigh in frustration.

"want me to get rid of them?" mariano offers.

"can you? please. i just wanna rest and sleep."

"i'll join you," he winks.

we get out of his car and i unlock my door to see kara reina and mattia sitting in my living room.

"i'm not even gonna ask how you guys got in here," i say immediately.

"i know where your key is," kara reminds me.

"kennedy's tired right now, we just got back from the hospital," says mariano, "can you guys come back another time?"

mattia rolls his eyes. "do you speak for her now or something?"

"just looking out for her best interest," mar replies. "you always come here when you're unwanted."

"okay well i'm looking for kennedy's best interest too."

"if that were true you'd listen to her and stay out of her life."

"guys enough," reina butts in. "kennedy. we know you've been lying to us about a couple things."

"like?" i ask.

"you're injuries," kara answers. "be honest. what happened to you?"

fuck, they know. "i can't." i glance at mar then back at them. "i'm sorry."

mattia squints his eyes cause he saw me look at mar. "did mariano do something to you? is he the one hurting you?"

"what the fuck did you just say," mar shouts. "you think i'd lay a hand on her?"

"i don't know what you'd do because i don't know you. you came out of nowhere," mattia shouts back.

"guys." i bury my face in my hands. "this isn't happening," i mumble to myself. i take a minute and gather my thoughts. "i'm sorry. i know it seems like i'm lying to you but i can't tell you. and honestly you shouldn't worry about it— it's not a big deal."

"not a big deal?" reina repeats. "you had bruises all over your stomach, a sprained ankle, a busted lip, and you wanna tell us we don't have to worry?"

"it doesn't concern you," i raise my voice. "just trust me on this one."

"we can't trust you," kara crosses her arms. "cause you've been lying about god knows what else."

"don't talk to her like that," mariano says calmly. "take her advice on this one. stay out of it."

we heard a loud bang outside that triggered me a little bit because it sounded like a gunshot. i start breathing heavily and marino holds my waist lightly, telling me to calm down.

"someone just knocked something over," mattia tells us as he looks outside the window. "are you okay?"

"i'm fine," i gulp. "can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"no," he scoffs. "why can't you just be honest with us?"

"cause we don't know if we can trust you," mar mumbles.

"what why not?"

"maybe we should just tell them," mariano suggests.

"are you crazy?" i whisper. "i'll be putting their lives at stake."

"it's their decision."

"no. this isn't up for discussion."

"kennedy just tell us," reina begs. "we can handle it. i'm sure we can."

i look at the three of them and they nod, encouraging me to finally speak up.

"okay fine," i give in. "i'll tell you guys."


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