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kennedy's pov

"i'll start from the very beginning," i say as i sit on the couch. 

mariano takes a seat right next to me and puts his arm around me. "you're sure about this right? dont do something you'll regret."

"mar shut up and let her continue," said mattia. 

"what's your problem mattia?" 

"guys," i cut in. "anyway.. when i first moved over there, i met mariano." i smile at him. "and we partied a lot, like almost everyday. and one day... we were at the club and decided to go outside in the back to uhm..."

"do the nasty, we get it," kara smirks. 

"but we were interrupted cause we heard a gunshot and saw someone named rafael kill someone.." 

"you saw someone get murdered?" reina asks.

"i think i lost count of how many times i've seen someone die in front of me," i mumble. 

"rafael saw us and of course he couldn't have any witnesses so he kidnapped us. we started doing his dirty work-- illegal, dirty work, that can get us in so much trouble. he threatened everyone we love and by now, mariano and i are too deep in. there's no getting out," i continue. 

"is that why you came back of all a sudden?" mattia asks. "you were scared of him?"

i nod. "mar you don't know how sorry i am for leaving you behind."

"i forgave you a while ago-- i'll always forgive you ken," he tells me. "i get why you did it-- dont worry."

"but, my plan didnt really work out, rafael eventually found me here and that leads to all my injuries. my busted lip was from one his men and the bruises on my stomach was cause they jumped me," i explain.

reina and kara gasp a little but mattia just clenches his jaw.

"and your ankle?" kara asks. 

"mariano actually did that. someone shot at me and he tackled me down so the bullet would miss. rough landing," i shrug. "kara you know how i said the marks on my neck were hickeys from mar?"

mar chuckles. "seriously?"

i smile and turn back to her. "mattia when we went to chic fil a-"

"that guy i saw, he was rafael right?" said mattia. "did he choke you?"

"yup not in the way i like," i mumble. "so mariano and i try and came up with a plan to set rafael up but it backfired cause he somehow found out about it."

"which leads us to you." mariano turns to mattia. 

"me? you think i had something to do with it? i didnt even know about any of this," mattia defends. 

"the day we you saw at in front of the bathroom was the only time we ever talked about our plan," i add. "you were the only person we ran into so we just assumed. i'm sorry."

"well then if it wasn't mattia, i genuinely have no idea how he could've found out," said mar. 

"once rafael found we were plotting against him, he hit my mom with a car," i finish.

"oh my god."

"what the fuck?"

"mattia," i turn to him. "i stopped talking to you because he threatened you. i dont know why he chose you or only you but i had to listen to him. it's dangerous for you to even be here right now."

he sighs. "i know.. i get it. i'm sorry."

"me telling you guys this is dangerous in general," i state. "so all i ask is that you pretend you never heard any of this. you dont know who rafael is, you don't question my injuries, you stay out of it. or someone will die. i can't have that blood on my hands. promise me. all of you."

they all hesitate for a bit. 

"i promise," said kara and reina. 

"mattia?" i ask. "promise?"

"well im not gonna sit back and let you do all these things. what if you die?" he raises his voice. 

i walk over to him and take his hand. "promise me."

he looks into my eyes for what seemed like the longest but finally said, "okay. i promise." 

reina and kara started leaving but mattia still didn't move from his spot, i'm guessing he had something to say in private. 

"mar, can you go to my room?" i ask him. 

"sure mamas."

"what's up?" i say to mattia. 

"so i'm just suppose to not talk to you forever? that's what you're saying," he said. 

"it's for your safety."

"i can't do that ken-- i can't cut you out my life permanently." 

"it wont be forever, i'll figure something out," i assure him. 

"did uhm-- did jenna really punch you in the stomach after i left that day?" he asks. i take a deep breath and dont say anything. "that's a yes isn't it? why didn't you tell me?"

"i tried to-- that night in your car when i said she wasn't who she seems," i justify. 

"i'm so sorry i didn't believe you," mattia apologizes. "i didnt think she can ever be like that."

"she loves you so much to the point where she's obsessed with you," i tell him. "she always tells me to stay away-- it's scary... and weird." 

"i'll try and talk to her about it."

"no dont. there's no point if we cant even talk to each other," i point out. "i'm sorry about this." 

"and i'm sorry about this."

i tilt my head in confusion but then mattia grabs my face and kisses me. my first thought was to push him off but i liked it. i kiss him back and he pulls my waist towards him. 

"what was that for?" i ask. 

"that's how it would be like everyday if i met you first. before jenna. before rafael or mariano. i know it's wrong, but i developed feelings for you. if i could i would choose you," mattia whispers. "consider it a goodbye kiss since i'm not allowed to really talk to you again." 

i'd be lying if i said i haven't caught feeling myself, but there's no point anymore. "maybe we can text but it's just extra precaution." 

he nods. "bye kennedy." 

i watch him walk out my door and close it. 


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