9 ♡

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kennedy's pov

i pick myself up and walk over to the mirror that's up on my living room wall and examine my stomach. there were bruises all over my rib cage and a cut on my lip from the punches. i go to the refrigerator and get an ice pack to put on my stomach so it can heal a little bit better. 

the next day

the second i wake up, the pain returns to my body and the soreness makes me groan in pain. i realized that i didn't really have any long t-shirts or hoodies so i just threw on a normal shirt that would reveal my stomach if i raised my arms up. i'll just keep my arms down today.


"hey you okay?" kara asks me as we walk in 1st period.

"yeah why wouldn't i be?" i answer. 

"i dont know you're sorta just walking kinda funny and there's a cut on your lip."

"i'm just drowsy and super tired." i force a laugh. "and uh the cut on my lip.. i..someone accidentally hit me yesterday." it was the first thing i could come up with on the spot.

"ouch.. and maybe you should start sleeping earlier cause i know you sleep hella late," she advises. "just sleep earlier tonight okay?"

"don't worry mom i will."


before 4th period i went to the bathroom and checked up on my bruises to see how they look now. they got darker and a little bit more purple. 

bell rings

and now i'm gonna be late. i pick up my backpack and head to my locker to grab my english materials.

mattia's pov 

"shit, jenna we're gonna be late to 4th period," i tell her. we were making out behind a little wall barrier since everyone left for class. 

"okay fine," she finally says and gives me one last kiss.

i smile. "i'll meet you there actually i gotta go use the bathroom first okay?"

"okay. bye babe." she walks away. 

after i walk out of the bathroom i see kennedy grabbing stuff from her locker. she looks around see if anyone was nearby but i was behind the corner so she didn't see me. that peaked my curiosity so i stayed hidden as i watch her lift up her shirt slightly. my eyes widen at the sight of her stomach and kennedy makes a noise of frustration. 

"fucking shit," she sighs and starts heading to class. 

i walk up behind and yank her wrist. 

"ow, what's your problem," she snaps. 

when i fully see her face, i saw the cut on her lip. 

"what.. happened to you?" i whisper. 

she pulls her wrist away. "we're gonna be late to class."

kennedy continues walking away and i follow behind her. 

"mr. polibio, miss dyer, you're late," our teacher points out. 

"sorry," kennedy and i say in unison. 

i look and jenna and see her glaring at kennedy as we walk to our table. kennedy doesn't look at me once as we take a seat and continues staring at down at her papers. 

"kennedy," i whisper. she continues ignoring me. "kennedy."

"what?" she whisper-shouts. 

"what the fuck happened to your stomach and lip?" i ask. 

"i don't know what you're talking about." she shakes her head. 

"dont play dumb ken, i saw your stomach," i point out. "and there's a cut right there on your lip."

"still, dont know what're you talking about," she answers. 

"lift up your shirt," i order. 

"what? no!"

"kennedy lift up your damn shirt," i repeat. 

"mattia," jenna cuts in. "why are you asking her to lift up her shirt?"


"jenna you really need to control your boyfriend," kennedy interrupts me, giving me a smirk. 

i light shake my head and glare at her. 

"well?" jenna asks. "why are you asking her to lift up her shirt?"

"i--" i had nothing honestly i didnt know what to say. "i thought i saw something on her stomach. my bad." 

jenna gives me a skeptical look before she comes over and gives me a kiss, then heads back to her seat. 


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