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jenna's pov

my jaw clenches as i watch mattia kiss kennedy in her kitchen. he's never kissed me like that before, i can feel the love he has for her from outside. i quickly get to my car and drive off the direction of my house.

text to rafael

jenna: i thought you told kennedy to stay away from mattia
rafael: i did
jenna: so why is she kissing my boyfriend in her kitchen
rafael: i don't have time for teen drama
jenna: if it weren't for me then you'd in jail right now
              i suggest you keep up your end of the bargain.

text to mattia

jenna: hey babe where are you
mattia: i'm on my way home why?
jenna: can you come over?
mattia: sure omw


ding dong

"hey jenna," mattia greets me as he walks through the door.

"can we talk about something?" i ask, leading us to the couch. "why am i not enough for you?"

"w-what? what do you mean?"

"i know you kissed kennedy," i say bluntly. if mattia felt guilty enough, i'd have wrapped all over my finger again. 

"how did you-"

"don't ask me how i know," i interrupt him. "i trusted you-- you told me that i can trust you. why would you kiss her?"

"and i trusted you," he raises his voice. "why did you punch her in the stomach?"

that question caught me off guard. "i got jealous. i was threatened by her and clearly i had every right to be."

"you didn't have to physically hurt her." 

"look, we both made mistakes," i sigh. "i'm sorry for the part i played in that, i shouldn't have laid hands on her."

"you should tell kennedy that tomorrow yourself," he says. "but i'm sorry for kissing her." 

"did it mean anything to you?" i ask. 

"yeah," he looks down. "it did." 

i actually did not expect that. tears started forming in my eyes as i break eye contact with him and look away. "so you have feelings for her?"

mattia licks his hips. "yeah, i do. it's understandable if you want to ends thing. i'm sorry i couldn't treat you better." 

"do you still like me?" 

"of course i do," he answers. "i might've gained feelings for kennedy but i never lost feelings for you. i'm sorry." 

i take a deep breath. "it's okay. i forgive you." 

"y-you what now?" mattia looked so shocked. "but i kissed another girl.. and it meant something." 

"do you still want to be with me?" 

he nods. "yeah but that doesn't change the fact that i cheated on you." 

"i love you too much let you go." it was the truth. i didn't want to lose him. 

"jenna i don't know if i love you though," he mumbles. 

my mouth drops slightly. "what? since when?"

"the way you act, punching other girls, calling them a slut-- those were the things that prevented me from loving you," he explains. 

"i promise i won't act that way again," i state. "i'll change. you and i can both change together." 

"okay," he slowly nods. "i'm sorry again, for kissing her. it wasn't like it mattered to her anyway." 

"i don't want to be a second choice but-"

"you were never a second choice jen," he cuts in. "i was with you way before i met kennedy and i'm still with you now." i smile. "just promise me you won't do what you did to kennedy again." 

"i promise," i confirm. "i just really want us to work. i want you to love me as much as i love you."

"i'll get there one day." he leans in and kisses me. "i know i will."

"wanna put on a movie and cuddle?" i ask. 

"go get the snacks," he answers. 

mattia's pov

i had still had feelings for jenna and there was no point in breaking up with her if i couldn't talk to kennedy again anyway. 

as jenna went to the kitchen to get snacks, her phone went off right next to me. at first i ignored it but then she got another text. i glanced at who it was and my heart sank.

rafael: ugh fine
              i'll go to her house and make it more clear right now
              you're welcome



something to hide || mattia polibioUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum