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mattia's pov

kennedy and i were approaching her house and honestly i was kinda sad that our time together was ending.

"thank you for today." she smiles. 

"yeah i had a good time." i smile back.

i start looking down at her lips that looked so pumped and nice. kennedy stared at mine too and the both us just sort of sat there looking at each other.

"uhm anyway," she breaks the silence, "i'll see you tomorrow?"

i blink a couple times. "yeah see you tomorrow." 

kennedy opens the door but before she got out and looked back at me. "i wanted to say this earlier but i just didnt know how to."

"what is it?" i ask.

"i know you love jenna or whatever but be careful okay?"

"be careful? why would i have to be cautious of my own girlfriend?"

"she isnt how she seems to be," kennedy tells me.

"what's that suppose to mean?" 

"maybe you don't know jenna as well as you think you do."

"look i know jenna went overboard with the 'im not allowed to talk to you' thing but i'm pretty sure i know my own girlfriend kennedy," i snap.

"well if that was true then you wouldnt be with her right now-- or actually you might be but then that'd also make you psycho," she says with a sarcastic smile.

"kennedy just get out of my car please," i sigh. 

"let me explain-"

"kennedy im not playing, please get out of my car," i repeat.

"fine, okay. you guys deserve each other."

i watch her hop out and slam the door shut, then walking up her porch. after she got into her house safely, i drove back home. 

kennedy's pov

i dont know why i thought mattia would believe me over his own girlfriend-- guess i just thought that after today he'd actually see my side. i shouldnt have said anything. 

the clock finally hits 10pm and i look outside my window, noticing a car pulling up on the sidewalk in front of my house. 

"mariano," i greet him as i got in. 

"hey kennedy," he says as i close the door. 

"so where are we going?" i ask the driver who was one of rafael's men.

"it's about a 45 minute drive. just hand them the delivery and get the money," he answers coldly. 


throughout the car ride, we didnt speak much because the driver usually gets annoyed whenever mariano and i speak. 


"we're here," rafael's guy said.

the three of us get out of the car and go to the trunk to pull out a briefcase. 

"are you coming in with us?" mariano asks the driver. he nods. 

we make our way to the entrance of the building and then walk in to see 4 people inside playing poker. 

"you guys rafael's group?" the first man asks. 

"yes," i answer. 

the four men look at each other and then take out their guns and aim at us. 

"get down," mar shouts as he tackles me to the floor behind a couple boxes. 

"ahh," i grunt as we landed roughly. 

"are you okay?" 

"my ankle," i wince. i look down and saw my ankle bent the wrong way slightly. 

our driver managed to shoot all of them before they can do anything else. 

"youre good with that," mariano tells our driver as he holds up his gun. 

"years of practice," he mumbles. "how's your ankle?"

"it hurts.. why did they shoot at us?" i ask. 

"probably didn't wanna pay for the delivery-- happens," he replies. "we'll wrap your ankle in the car."

mariano wraps my arm around his shoulder and then lifts me up on my feet. we looked at the four dead bodies laying around the poker table, dead. it didnt really phase me anymore-- after working with rafael for so long i've seen plenty of dead bodies.

when we get to the car, mar opens the door for me and i sit on the edge while my legs we're dangling outside of the car. the driver grabs the first aid kit from the trunk and then brings it over to me. 

"wrap it yourself," he says. 

i roll my eyes and grab the bandage and gauge from the kit. 

"here, let me," mariano offers. i smile at him as i watch him wrap up my ankle and tucking in the end part of the bandage. "there, all good."

"here's some antibiotics," the driver tosses me a pill bottle. "don't know if they for sure work."

"great... thanks.." i put my legs back into the car and we drive back home. 


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