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mattia's pov

the next day

i saw jenna in the morning hanging out by her locker as she took some books out.

"hey babe," she said as i approach her.

"hey baby." i give her a kiss on the side of her head.
"uh were you at kennedy's house last night? or like around the area?"

she gives me a light laugh. "i was home the entire night. im on my period right now and my cramps are super bad so i didn't even have the energy to move."

"right, i just thought i saw your car or something," i chuckle to myself. "uh i'll stop by your house later and drop off some snacks for you okay?"

"thank you, i love you." she smiles.

"uh yeah no problem. i'll see you in english." i give her a kiss on the lips and walk to class.

kennedy's pov

"so you're telling me nothing happened with you and mattia last night," kara says as we walk into class.

"yes that's exactly what i'm saying," i tell her.

"is something wrong with you?" kara shouts, "you had a chance to-"

"i didnt have the chance to do anything," i interrupt her, "he has a girlfriend remember? im not a home wrecker."

"wow you have definitely changed over the year," she chuckles.

"in a good way i hope."

"in a good way," kara assures me.

i laugh and give her a side hug as we take our seats

4th period english

"hey," mattia greets me as i come up to our table.

"hey," i reply as i take out our project.

"are you okay?" he asks.

"yeah why wouldn't i be?"

"it's just that yesterday when i left you seemed on edge," says mattia.

i knew the exact moment he was talking about because every night, i check the perimeter of my house to see if there's anyone there.

"what—you got sad i was leaving or something?" he teases.

i scoff. "you wish. no uhm i was just tired and thought i heard a noise."

"okay class please turn in your project to my desk," the teacher shouts. "i will have it graded by the end of the day, check online tonight."

i walk up to his desk and place it down and head back to my seat, passing josh on the way. he doesnt say anything to me but he gives me a quick glance and then looks away. jenna was next to mattia and they were talking and flirting a lot, i just ignored it.

after school

"hey kennedy," i hear a voice call me as i open my car door.

i turn around and saw who it was. "jenna.. hey."

"i just hope we have an understanding."

"an understanding? about what," i ask.

"that mattia's my boyfriend," she says.

i scoff. "jenna i have no intentions of getting with mattia okay? he came over one time for project and that was it."

"so you're telling me that right after you guys finished the project he went straight home." she crosses her arms.

"no.. but-"

"exactly. were you the one who asked him to stay?"

"yeah but-"

"do you see where im getting at here?" she asks.

"i dont like mattia okay? we're just friends, he can have friends cant he?"

"no, not with sluts like you."

my mouth drops slightly at what she called me. "wow..degrading other girls? see this is exactly why mattia and i would never work. clearly your his type, and im nothing like you."

i get into my car and reverse out of my parking lot while jenna was still standing there glaring at me as i leave.

later that night

dm from mattia...

mattia: we got an 96 or our project:)
kennedy: as we should
mattia: what're you doing?
kennedy: laying in bed hbu
mattia: same, you need company? want me to come over?
kennedy: im good lmao
mattia: you sure? wouldnt want you to be on edge anymore
kennedy: ha ha ha so funny
mattia: im just saying...
kennedy: well i assure you i am fine
mattia: cuz we can always facetime if you need my company
kennedy: no thank you i dont want any more problems with your girlfriend
mattia: problem? whatre you talking about?
kennedy: oh she didnt tell you how she came up to me after school and called me a slut for having you over at my house? huh. should probably ask her about that.
mattia: im sorry i had no idea, she's never acted that way before.
kennedy: this is why we cant be friends. your gf is a psycho. i dont like psychos
mattia: come on dont be like that
kennedy: bye mattia
mattia: kennedy
                kennedy come on dont be ridiculous


something to hide || mattia polibioNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ