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kennedy's pov

"you sure you're okay?" mattia asks.

"yes for the last time i'm fine," i assure him. 

"you just seem scared and a little bit shaky."

he looked really worried and sad-- i had to do something to get his mind off of it.

"wanna go bowling?" i ask.

"really? you like bowling?"

"yeah i love bowling." i wipe my mouth with a napkin and throw our trash away. "let's go."

i grab his wrist and lead us back to his car.

as soon as we get in, i link the aux cord to my phone and play songs by uzi.

"you listen to uzi?" mattia looks at me.

"reminder, we've barely really hung out so there's a lot you dont know about me." i smile. 

"well i can't wait to learn more about you," he says happily. 

the both us jam to the music in the car and i think he forgot about what happened at chic-fil-a. mattia's actually really fun to hangout with and for a second i, myself, forgot about rafael and what i'm suppose to do tonight at 10pm. 

when we arrive to the bowling alley, we both used this opportunity to get to know each other and there wasnt a second of awkward silence.

"damn size 6 shoes?" he laughs. "you're small as fuck."

"i cant believe you're a size 11," i say with an amazed expression. 

"so what were you saying about your parents?" he asks. 

"yeah they're divorced and my dad lives a couple hours from here," i continue. 

"so where's your mom right now-- i havent ran into her."

"she's still at our other house finishing her work-- she'll be home soon."

we go to lane 3 and start bowling. obviously i used the lighter bowling balls while mattia uses the wayyyy heavier ones, making more impact every time he hits the bowling pins. 

"hobbies?" he asks.

"i like singing but it doesnt mean im good at it," i say as i grab the bowling ball. i throw it as hard as i can and ended up getting a strike. 

mattia gives me a high five. "that was pure luck and you should sing in front of me sometime."

"pure skill," i correct him. "and no thank you." i look around the alley and then saw a photo booth in the corner. "let's go to the photo booth real quick." i run off before he can even say anything. 

mattia's pov

i turn around and see kennedy already half way to the photo booth. i shake my head and laugh to myself as i follow behind her. after i move the curtains aside, i take seat right next to her because the booth was a little bit small. 

"ready?" she smiles. "pick the first pose."

i watch the screen countdown from 4 and put my arm around her shoulders. we both lightly scrunch our faces as the camera takes the photo and then counts down for photo number 2. 

me being me i put up my middle finger and stick my tongue out and to my surprise, kennedy actually does the same thing. 

for the next photo she makes a kissing face while holding up the peace sign. 

"i'm not doing that," i object. 

"well hurry and think of something," she says. 

i didnt think of anything in time and the camera ended capturing the photo of me giving her a weird look. 

"let's just smile for the last one," kennedy suggests. 

i agreed and lay head slightly on top of hers while smiling at the camera. 

"let's go see how they turned out."

the two of us exit the booth and wait for the photos to print. after a couple seconds, we heard the photo drop at the bottom and she bent down to pick it up. 

"aww," she smiles, "they're cute."

i gaze at them and noticed she looked great in all 4 of them. "yeah you are."


"i mean yeah they are," i correct myself. 

the machine gave us two photos so she separated them and gave one to me. "let's continue bowling," she said. 

i follow her back to the bowling lanes while still looking at our photos. 


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