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kennedy's pov

"hello?" i speak into my phone.

"guess whooo." it was obviously rafael's voice. 

i roll my eyes. "why are you calling me?" i tried to sound strong but if he was here in real life-- he'd see the fear all over my face. 

"a little birdie told me you and mariano are trying to set me up," he begins. "you know what happens when people betray me.." before i could even say anything rafael spoke up again. "how's your mom? you should probably check up on her. heard she got into a little accident on the way home to you."

"oh my god." tears start forming my eyes. 

"by the way i dont want you to talk to mattia anymore-- i might make him next who knows." i could practically hear his smirk over the phone.

"fuck you," i say before ending the call.

i dashed out of the music room and ran to my car so i can head to the hospital. 


"i-i'm here for my mom," i stutter through my tears. 

"last name?" the worker asks me.

"dyer," i answer. 

he types into the computer and then looks at me. "room 218. for a car accident right?"

"y-yeah, thank you." 

i run to the 200s sections and find the room number that was given to me. 

"mom," i shout as i run into her room. 

she looked terrible-- there was bruises and cuts all over her face and couple stitches. "hey baby."

"what happened?" i ask. 

"it was silly-- a car came out of nowhere and hit me," she laughs lightly. "they drove off before the police could find them though."

"are you okay?"

"the impact wasn't too bad but i think i have a few broken ribs," she frowns. "i might have to stay here a for while."

good, with this much security around-- rafael wont be able to get his hands on her without being caught. "that's okay mom. just get better."

i stayed with her for an hour but the nurse told me i had to leave because visiting hours were over soon. 


there was a car parked outside of my house and my body got tense again. as i got closer to the car, i noticed it was just mariano on his phone waiting for me. 

"hey," he says getting out of the car, "why werent you asnwering your phon- are you okay?"

"it's my mom," i say, sobbing, "rafael found out that we were setting him up and now my mom's in the hospital."

"shh," he runs walks over and hugs me, letting my cry into his shoulder. "i'm right here."

"we were stupid to think it would work mar," i mumble. "your mom might be next-- your dad? who knows."

"i'm sorry baby girl." he pets the back of my head as he kisses the top of my head. 

i hug him tighter and pull on his shirt. "will you stay with me tonight?"

"that was the original plan," he smiles. "do you want me go to get some snacks?"

"there's a 7/11 down the street over there," i point. "be quick okay?"

"i'll be right back mamas." he gives me a kiss on my temple and then gets in his car. 

10 minutes later after i get into my house, i hear a knock on my door. 

"well that was quick- mattia?" i say opening the door. 

"can i come in?" he asks. 

"no," i answer quickly. he cant be here-- rafael might be watching me. "you have to go."

he scrunches his eyebrows in surprise. "kennedy please," he begs strictly. "i didnt mean to lose my temper with you-- i'm just overprotective of my girlfrien-"

"i dont care, i dont wanna talk to you mattia," i cut him off. 

"have you been crying?" he ignores my statement. 

"mattia please just leave." i was getting frustrated. 

"tell me why you're so upset first."

"cause you're not listening to me-- i dont want you here," i shout. "go home."

"so i'm the reason youre crying this hard right now," he says in disbelief. "you're not that sensitive-- tell me whats wrong."

i wipe my tears quickly. "i dont want you here-- how many time do i have to say it."

"yeah well i dont believe that," he answers calmly. 

"what's going on here?" mariano walks up the porch with a 7/11 bag. 

"nothing mar," i try to act calm. 

"why you crying even more ma?" he asks me. 

"i knew it, you were upset before i came here," mattia points out. 

"well clearly you being here isnt helping." mariano shoots him a dirty look. "you should leave bro." 

"no. i wanna know what's wrong."

i was starting to get really pissed off. "mattia. i dont want you in my life. i dont wanna talk to you, look at you, be near you, i dont want you here."

he looks down sadly. "i didnt mean to get mad you the other night."

"dude," mariano shouts. "she doesnt want you here-- leave before things get ugly."

"watch your mouth mAr," mattia says getting closer to him. "i just wanna help her. kennedy, i swear i didn't to raise my voice at you."

"i dont care. stay mad if you want." i pull mariano into my house and slam the door in mattia's face. 

"what's story with him?" mariano asks as he sets down the snacks on the table. 

"rafael says i cant talk to him anymore or he'll hurt him," i mumble. 

"that's kinda what i thought--i've never seen you get so frustrated like that from one guy."

"he's so fucking stubborn." 

"why would rafael only threaten mattia? why not kara or reina? it's not like him," mariano says. "and how did he even know we were planning against him?"

"i've learned to never be surprised with that man, he knows everything," i sigh. "let's just eat and watch a movie."



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